[comp.windows.x.motif] Keyboard focus and unmapping at 1.1

nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley) (11/08/90)

I recently started unmapping/mapping windows instead of recreating
them from scratch.  However I've run into a rather strange bug
dealing with keyboard focus.

I'm running Motif 1.1, with a 1.0 Mwm (sorry, but that's what the
customers are going to have).  I have a main window and, upon
pressing an accelerator I create another main window.  When the
user closes this (usually with an accelerator as well) I unmap
the window and window manager returns focus to the first window.
Now however none of the keyboard controls work in that window.
I can still click the mouse, and I can type in text areas, but
I can't use any of the arrow keys, mnemonics or acclerators.
The problem remains this way until I go to the menubar and pulldown
a menu (I don't have to select anything, just pull it down and
release it).  Presumbably someone is not resetting the focus quite
right, and selecting a menu pulldown makes it happen explicitly.

Now let's say I hit that accelerator again.  Boom, I map the
second window and there we are - in exactly the same state. No
translations available.  Again, pulling down a menu will correct
the problem.

That all happens quite consistantly the first time.  From then
on however, it's a tad more flakey.  Sometimes everything seems
to work, sometimes it doesn't, I haven't been able to pin down
the circumstances.  But, as I say, it's quite reliable the first

I'm not so much concerned with why this happens (although I'll
happily accept a patch to fix it) as how to work around it.  It
seems like there is probably some simple call I can make to
forcibly make things work.  Will XmProcessTraversal get around
this?  And of course, is this a known bug, or should I submit
a bug report on it?
