[comp.windows.x.motif] Motif 1.0 XmText problem

pasturel@sctc.com (Pierre Pasturel) (11/21/90)

I am getting the following X toolkit warning:

X Toolkit Warning: 
    Name: text5
    Class: XmText
    Invalid margin height, must be >= 0.

after the following piece of code has been executed several times in
a loop:

XtSetArg (args[0], XmNvalue, temp_holder_two);
XtSetValues( LOCKtoTPT_Text, args, 1);

where temp_holder_two is an array of 71 characters which never contains
newlines (if that makes a difference), only reg. alpha-numeric characters and 
an occassional ^M (carriage return character)

and where LOCKtoTPT_Text is an XmText widget created as follows:

    n = 0;
    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNcolumns, 70 );  n++;
    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNmarginHeight, 3 );  n++;     /* default */
    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNeditMode, XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT);  n++; 
    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNeditable, FALSE); n++;
    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNcursorPositionVisible, False); n++;
    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNfontList, fontlist6x12); n++;
    LOCKtoTPT_Text = XmCreateText (line, "text5", args, n);

I inserted the following code after the XtSetValues to find out the
value of the marginHeight resource:

XtSetArg (args[0], XmNmarginHeight, &margin_height);
XtGetValues( LOCKtoTPT_Text, args, 1);
printf("text5.marginHeight: %d\n",margin_height);

and I got the following output for several iterations of the loop:

text5.marginHeight: 15
text5.marginHeight: 23
text5.marginHeight: 31
text5.marginHeight: 39
text5.marginHeight: 47
text5.marginHeight: 55
text5.marginHeight: 63
text5.marginHeight: 71
text5.marginHeight: 87
text5.marginHeight: 95
text5.marginHeight: 103
text5.marginHeight: 111
text5.marginHeight: 119
text5.marginHeight: 127
text5.marginHeight: 135
text5.marginHeight: 143
text5.marginHeight: 159
text5.marginHeight: 167
text5.marginHeight: 175
text5.marginHeight: 183
text5.marginHeight: 191
text5.marginHeight: 199
text5.marginHeight: 207
text5.marginHeight: 215

  and so on...., starting at 15 (why?) and always increasing by 8. 

The value probably eventually execeeded 2^^16 (the resource's type is a
short int) and at which point I get the X toolkit warnings, which slow
my application down and fills up my xterm from which I started the 

Any ideas what might be causing this problem??  What am I doing to 
increase this resource value and how can I prevent it so I don't get
the zillions of warning messages??

Thanks In Advance

pasturel@sctc.com (Pierre Pasturel) (11/21/90)

I'd rather solve the problem I'm having with the marginHeight resource,
but if no one has a solution, is there at least a way to suppress
X toolkit warning messages??


pasturel@sctc.com (Pierre Pasturel) (11/22/90)

I did a little more investigating.

 I created an XmText widget, as described in my earlier posting,
and after it is managed, I put the following code:

#ifdef DEBUG
    for ( i = 0; i<= 10; i++ ) {
        XtSetArg (args[0], XmNmarginHeight, i);
        XtSetValues( LOCKtoTPT_Text, args, 1);
        printf("XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to %d\n",i);

        XtSetArg (args[0], XmNmarginHeight, &margin_height);
        XtGetValues( LOCKtoTPT_Text, args, 1);
        printf("XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as %d\n",margin_height);


    for ( i = 0; i<= 10; i++ ) {
        XtSetArg (args[0], XmNvalue, "testing 1 2 3" );
        XtSetValues( LOCKtoTPT_Text, args, 1);
        printf("XtSetValues set XmNvalue.\n");

        XtSetArg (args[0], XmNmarginHeight, &margin_height);
        XtGetValues( LOCKtoTPT_Text, args, 1);
        printf("XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as %d\n",margin_height);


where LOCKtoTPT_Text is a XmText widget.

and I get the following output:

XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 0
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 8
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 1
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 9
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 2
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 10
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 3
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 11
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 4
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 12
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 5
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 13
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 6
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 14
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 7
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 15
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 8
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 16
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 9
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 17
XtSetValues set XmNmarginHeight to 10
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 18
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 26
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 34
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 42
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 50
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 58
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 66
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 74
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 82
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 90
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 98
XtSetValues set XmNvalue.
XtGetValues retrieved XmNmarginHeight as 106

There seems to be two things going wrong here. First, XtGetValues is
retrieving a value 8 bigger than the value set by XtSetValues.

But my main conern is in the second loop, where
the setting of the XmNValue resource appears
to effect the marginHeight value retrieved by XtGetValues(). 
Funny thing, though, is that there is no effect on the appearence of the XmText
widget (i.e., the distance between the top and bottom border of the 
text widget and the text itself does not reflect the every increasing
marginHeight resource value).

Seems to me that there is a problem with the X Toolkit XtGetValues??

The only reason that this whole thing is a problem for me is that eventually
I get all these X toolkit messages warning me that my margin height has to
be >= 0. All these warnings slow down my motif application program 
simulation and it does not look good.

I tried countering this problem by always resetting the marginHeight resource
anytime I changed XmNvalue using XtSetValues. But this resulted in the 
XmText text flickering too much on the screen.


slh@wolf.cs.washington.edu (Scott Heyano) (11/22/90)

In article <1990Nov20.204225.23831@sctc.com> pasturel@sctc.com (Pierre Pasturel) writes:
|I am getting the following X toolkit warning:
|X Toolkit Warning: 
|    Name: text5
|    Class: XmText
|    Invalid margin height, must be >= 0.
|after the following piece of code has been executed several times in
|a loop:
|XtSetArg (args[0], XmNvalue, temp_holder_two);
|XtSetValues( LOCKtoTPT_Text, args, 1);
|where temp_holder_two is an array of 71 characters which never contains
|newlines (if that makes a difference), only reg. alpha-numeric characters and 
|an occassional ^M (carriage return character)
|and where LOCKtoTPT_Text is an XmText widget created as follows:
|    n = 0;
|    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNcolumns, 70 );  n++;
|    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNmarginHeight, 3 );  n++;     /* default */
|    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNeditMode, XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT);  n++; 
|    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNeditable, FALSE); n++;
|    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNcursorPositionVisible, False); n++;
|    XtSetArg (args[n], XmNfontList, fontlist6x12); n++;
|    LOCKtoTPT_Text = XmCreateText (line, "text5", args, n);
|  and so on...., starting at 15 (why?) and always increasing by 8. 
|The value probably eventually execeeded 2^^16 (the resource's type is a
|short int) and at which point I get the X toolkit warnings, which slow
|my application down and fills up my xterm from which I started the 
[more stuff]

	If in part what you are asking (which I doubt) is
	"Why do I get the toolkit error."
	that's because the marginHeight value is rolling over into
	the negative domain.
	Why the marginHeight value is getting changed,
	I don't know, but you might try not putting in the ^M,
	they might be screwing up the single-line-edit mode.