(Pete Ashdown) (12/07/90)
I am pulling my hair out trying to install X & Motif 1.1 on a system of Sun3's with CG9 graphics cards. Here are the problems I am having. 1. I would like to get XR4 to display in color. I saw the patch for 24 bit color that floated around a little while ago and had absolutely dismal results in attempting to apply it. I don't really need full 24 bit color, 8 bit would be fine. All I can do is get it to display in is black and white. 2. Motif 1.1 compiles without a hitch. However, when I run mwm, it core dumps with a segmentation fault. Yes, I have applied all the necessary patches. 3. I need to install XR3 to use DecWindows as a host for some machines. Is there an easier way to get XR4 to work with DecWindows? This also relates to problem #1, in that if I can't get XR3 to do color, its useless. If you can be of ANY assistance, please mail me or give me a phone call. My number is 801-582-5847 ext.6369. Thanks! -- / (Rotate head 90 degrees for full effect) | BUNGEEEEEEEE! |---------------------------------------------------------------------->=<o \ Pete Ashdown!javelin!pashdown