[comp.windows.x.motif] Cancel

scholz@osf.org (Carl S. Scholz) (01/18/91)

nazgul@alfalfa.com (Kee Hinckley) wrote:
> Currently Return in a single-line text widget activates the default
> button (if the widget is in a dialog box).  Shouldn't "Cancel" (usually
> "Escape") similarly activate the Cancel button, even if the focus is
> in a text widget?
> 						-kee

Yes, Cancel should be passed to the Text widget's parent if it has no use for
it (it the Cancel comes during a secondary selection or extended primary
selection, it will be used to cancel that operation).

I am having trouble reproducing the bug.  Can you please send some sample code
or a detail widget hierarchy description.

Carl S. Scholz - Motif QA           Open Software Foundation
scholz@osf.osf.org                  Cambridge, MA   (617) 621-8996
Disclaimer: just me yapping, not my employer