[comp.windows.x.motif] Row and Column organization

theslim@engin.umich.edu (Eric Michael Slimko) (02/28/91)

Howdy folks!

  I have a bunch of buttons that I want to organize in a particular way,
but I'm having trouble thinking of a way to do it.  I want the buttons
organized into two columns and I want all the buttons to be placed
in identically sized boxes (based on the largest button).

At first, this sounds like a textbook example for a Row Column, but:
It is a very real possibility that the container for these buttons
will be asked to be wider than it would like.  In this case, I want the
the two colums to spread apart, but all the boxes to still be the same size.
RowCol doesn't to this, it keeps the two colums the same distance apart.

Row Colum gave me this:


instead of the desired:

XXXXX            XXXXX
XXXXX            XXXXX

I've tried various combinations of RowCols and Table widgets, without much
luck.  Anyone got any ideas?

What would make this problem really easy was if there was a way I could link
up a column of one table widget to a column of another table widget and say
"These two gotta be the same size."  Is there a way to add such a constraint?

Oh yeah, I'd appreciate email.  Its hard to keep up with the gobs of info
posted to this newsgroup.

Eric Slimko
The University of Michigan