[comp.windows.x.motif] Problem with Compound Strings

maslines@congo.crd.ge.com (Sharon Masline) (04/11/91)

I'm having the following problem with Motif1.1 compound strings:

I create 3 compound strings, one from "abc", one from "def" and
one from "abcdef".  Then I use XmStringConcat to concatenate the
first two.  When I do a XmStringCompare on the concatenated
"abcdef" string and the original "abcdef" compound string, it fails.

According to the documentation, XmStringCompare should be comparing
the two compound strings "semantically", so why is it failing?
Does anyone know of a work around for this problem, short of going
through the strings comparing them segment by segment?

Sharon Masline
GE Corporate Research and Development
Box 8
Schenectady, NY

Internet: maslines@crd.ge.com
Phone:    (518)387-6795