[comp.windows.x.motif] I did say it was 3 in the morning

nazgul@alfalfa.com (Information Junkie) (04/19/91)

Of course I forgot the source code!

#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/FileSB.h>

void okcb()

main(argc, argv)
        int argc;
        char **argv;
        Widget top, mainw, rowc, pushb;
        Arg args[10];
        int n;

        top = XtInitialize("test","test",NULL,0,&argc, argv);

	mainw = XmCreateFileSelectionDialog(top, "select", NULL, 0);
        XtAddCallback(mainw, XmNokCallback, okcb, NULL);

Alfalfa Software, Inc.          |       Poste:  The EMail for Unix
nazgul@alfalfa.com              |       Send Anything... Anywhere
617/646-7703 (voice/fax)        |       info@alfalfa.com

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.