[comp.windows.x.motif] XVT++: classlib for portable winapps

mlonge@polari.UUCP (Michael Longe) (05/08/91)

(sorry for all of the cross-postings; I hope to have to do this only once...)

For those who asked "What's XVT++?" (rather than answering my request :-)
I will summarize:

XVT, a commercial product by XVT Software (and also marketed by GSS), is
a portable window system interface library. In theory, you could write the
source for a single generic application and have it run under MS-Windows,
OS/2-PM, Mac, and Motif or OpenLook, just by recompiling (XVT-Draw is a
basic 2D draw program proving the concept).

XVT++ is a base C++ class library (available in source form) which 
front-ends the C library for each platform. It isn't very comprehensive,
but it's a start for those who want to write the generic part of the
application in C++.

Incidently, we compared CommonView 2 against XVT/XVT++ and decided on the
latter, for availability and stability reasons. Also, XVT Release 3
(maybe end of this year) appears to greatly improve the design of XVT
and (I think) will be upwardly compatible with the design of XVT++.

Disclaimer:  I'm not associated with XVT Software, and I'm not telling 
anyone else what to do; I'm just looking for a way to write software
for multiple window systems...

Michael Longe'
Berge Software