[comp.windows.x.motif] How can you tell if a window is currently iconified?

tracy@Unify.Com (Tracy Jeannine Wiseman) (05/11/91)

In article <1991May7.061542.24169@cs.uow.edu.au> jorgi@cs.uow.edu.au (George B Zamroz) writes:
>Under Motif, how can you tell whether a window is currently iconified?
>Thanks in advance.
>George B. Zamroz, University of Wollongong, Australia
>Masters Student (Computer Science)        
>Internet: jorgi@cs.uow.edu.au

You might take a look at the MIT X Consortium ICCCM (Inter-Client Communication
Conventions Manual.)  In section, it mentions that the Window Manager
will place a WM_STATE property, of type WM_STATE, on each toplevel client
window.  And that the WM_STATE.state values are:
			WithdrawnState	0
			NormalState	1
			IconicState	3
I don't know if you can get a hold of this property/state and look at it, or
if there is some other mechanism...

It also looks like you can access the initial state field, and you can
certainly catch events that change a toplevel window's state, so you could
keep track of a window's state this way...

good luck,
let me know what you find out,

Tracy Wiseman							tracy@unify.com
Unify Corporation	+	Sacramento, CA, USA	+	(916)649-3439