[comp.windows.x.motif] Getting a 1-line minibuffer

root@ttsi.lonestar.org (System) (05/17/91)

In article <1991May15.183135.20571@m.cs.uiuc.edu> carroll@cs.uiuc.edu (Alan M. Carroll) writes:
>In article <1991May9.210942.7174@ttsi.lonestar.org>, root@ttsi.lonestar.org (System) writes:
>> For some strange reason, I get a two line minibuffer despite having
>> epoch*minibuf.geometry:		80x1+0+0
>> in my .Xdefaults file and mwm will not let me shrink the window to
>> one line.
>We are fairly sure that this is an MWM bug. What version of MWM are
>you running? We have 1.1 here, and do not see this problem.
>Alan M. Carroll          <-- Another casualty of applied metaphysics

I am running with MWM 1.1, according to HP support.  It's the version that comes with 
PSKQ291 (X11R4 support for Apollo SR10.3).  Has anyone else seen and dealt with
this problem?  Follow-ups directed to gnu.epoch.misc.  Thanks
Mark S. Evans                 Tandem Telecommunications Systems Inc.
Phone: 214-516-6201           850 E. Central Parkway
Fax:   214-516-6801           Plano, TX 75074
Mail:  mse@ttsi.lonestar.org