(Roar Steen) (06/01/91)
Description of desired functionality: I have a FormDialog (XmCreateFormDialog) with several children. Among these are some Text widgets, one as a direct child, and others placed inside a RowColumn. The Text that stands alone is supposed to call the activate() routine as soon as the user presses <Key>Return. This is default when the Texts editMode is set to SINGLE_LINE_EDIT, which is the case here. The other Texts, placed inside the RowColumn also has their editMode set to SINGLE_LINE_EDIT, but here I want next-tab-group() called when the user presses <Key>Return as well as activate(). This sould not be a problem at all. I've set the following resource in the app-defaults file (examples follow, not the file as it actually appears): *XmText.editMode: SINGLE_LINE_EDIT *XmText.translations: #override \ <Key>Return: activate() The above was for the separate Text widget. For the ones in the RowColumn it looks like this: *XmRowColumn*XmText.editMode: SINGLE_LINE_EDIT *XmRowColumn*XmText.translations: #override \ <Key>Return: activate() \ next-tab-group() Normally this should work fine! Description of problem: The problem is this. When XmForm, which inherits resources from BulletinBoard, is a child of a DialogShell, its default translations uses <Key>Return to activate the default button. So the BulletinBoard provides a resource called XmNtextTranslations to help this situation. But this is not enough, the BulletinBoard still needs the Return key. So the manual says that you can set the translations of BulletinBoard in a way that it not uses the Return key, i.e.: *XmForm.translations: #replace \ <Key>F1: Help() \n\ <FocusIn>: FocusIn()..... and so on, leaving out <Key>Return. However this does not seem to work either. My problem is that I need different translations for the Text widgets, so it's not sufficient to set the textTranslations of the XmForm. I don't want next-tab-group() called on the separate widget. Doing #replace all the way is to cumbersome. Solution of problem: Well, I certainly don't have any! I've tried several workarounds, but nothing seems to do the trick. Preferrably I want to do this from the app-defaults file, so there's got to be an easy way. Any help in this matter will be appreciated. I'm currently running X11R4 and Motif 1.0 on a HP900/425t. -- //// Roar Steen // N-9000 TROMSOE, NORWAY / /// Department of Computer Science // Member of the "Drool Patrol" // // University of Tromsoe // and "Hells Norskies" /// / NORWAY // Email: ////