[comp.windows.x.motif] Program supports Open Look pushpins

erc@pai.UUCP (Eric F. Johnson) (06/01/91)

This quick demo program shows how to set up an Open Look pushpin
from within a Motif program. Kevin Reichard and I described this 
process in our Cross Thoughts column in the June, 1991 issue
of UNIX Review magazine ("Who Says Motif Can't Support Pushpins?"). 
You should run the program under olwm, the Open Look window manager.

Compile with a command something like:

      cc -o olmotif olmotif.c -lXm -lXt -lX11

If you have any questions, send me email. (I must warn that I'll be
out of the office until 10 June, though.)

Have fun,

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 *      olmotif.c
 *      Motif demo program that sets certain Open
 *	Look Window Manager (olwm) properties.
 *	To be simple, written for Motif 1.0
 *	and the version of olwm that came on
 *	the MIT R4 tape (a very old version of
 *	olwm).
 *	Copyright 1991 by Eric F. Johnson and Kevin Reichard,
 *	All Rights Reserved.

#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include  <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include  <X11/Xatom.h> 
#include  <Xm/Xm.h>
#include  <Xm/PushB.h>

 *	Global Atom ID
Atom	ol_pin_state;	/* _OL_PIN_STATE */

void event_handler( widget, client_data, event )

Widget		widget;
caddr_t		client_data;
XPropertyEvent	*event;

 *	Event handler for PropertyNotify events.

{	/* event_handler */
	int		status;
	int		*data;
	Atom		actual_type;
	int		actual_format;
        unsigned long   number_items;
        unsigned long   bytesafter;

	 * Check if its our property.
	if ( ( event->state == PropertyNewValue ) &&
		( event->atom == ol_pin_state ) )
		 * If so, read in values.
		status = XGetWindowProperty( XtDisplay( widget ),
				XtWindow( widget ), 
				ol_pin_state, 0, 1,
				&data );

		if ( status == Success )
			if ( *data == 1 )
				printf( "The pin is in\n" );
				printf( "The pin is out\n" );

			XFree( data );

}	/* event_handler */

void quit_callback( widget, client_data, call_data )

Widget  widget;
caddr_t client_data;
caddr_t call_data;

 *      Callback function to quit program.

{       /* quit_callback */

        exit( 0 );

}       /* quit_callback */

main( argc, argv )

int	argc;
char	*argv[];

{	/* main */
	Widget		parent, quit_widget;
	Arg		args[10];
	int		n;

        parent = XtInitialize( argv[0],
                        "Olmotif", NULL,
                        0, &argc, argv );

        n = 0;
        XtSetArg( args[n], XmNallowShellResize, True ); n++;

         * We don't want to map our top-level window
         * until we are done setting property values
         * for olwm.
        XtSetArg( args[n], XmNmappedWhenManaged, False ); n++;

        XtSetValues( parent, args, n );

	n = 0;
	quit_widget = XmCreatePushButton( parent, "QuitProgram", args, n );

	XtManageChild( quit_widget );

         * Set up a callback function to be
         * called whenever the push button 
         * is "activated".
        XtAddCallback( quit_widget, XmNactivateCallback,
                quit_callback, (caddr_t) NULL );

         * Realize the widget tree so that all the
         * windows are created.
        XtRealizeWidget( parent );

	 * Now, set up olwm properties.
	 * If we aren't running under olwm, these
	 * extra properties really won't matter.
	set_olwm_props( XtDisplay( parent ), XtWindow( parent ) );

	 * When we're done, map our parent widget
	XtMapWidget( parent );

	 * Create global pin-state atom
        ol_pin_state    = XInternAtom( XtDisplay( parent ), 
				"_OL_PIN_STATE", False );

	 * Create an event handler to capture PropertyNotify
	 * events. Note that this may interfere with other
	 * PropertyNotify events that Motif may want to handle.
	XtAddEventHandler( parent, PropertyChangeMask, False,
		event_handler, (caddr_t) NULL );


}	/* main */

set_olwm_props( display, window )

Display *display;
Window  window;

 *      Sets window manager properties for olwm, the Open Look
 *      window manager. You should call this before the window
 *      is mapped.

{       /* set_olwm_props */
        Atom    ol_decor_del;           /* _OL_DECOR_DEL */
        Atom    ol_decor_resize;        /* _OL_DECOR_RESIZE */
        Atom    ol_decor_close;         /* _OL_DECOR_CLOSE */
        Atom    ol_decor_pin;           /* _OL_DECOR_PIN */
        Atom    ol_decor_add;           /* _OL_DECOR_ADD */
        Atom	attributes[20];

         * First, create Atoms. We should check for
         * errors here.
        ol_decor_add    = XInternAtom( display, "_OL_DECOR_ADD", False );
        ol_decor_pin    = XInternAtom( display, "_OL_DECOR_PIN", False );
        ol_decor_del    = XInternAtom( display, "_OL_DECOR_DEL", False );
        ol_decor_resize = XInternAtom( display, "_OL_DECOR_RESIZE", False );
        ol_decor_close  = XInternAtom( display, "_OL_DECOR_CLOSE", False );

         * Now, remove the resize corners and close box from our window
        attributes[0] = ol_decor_resize;
        attributes[1] = ol_decor_close;

        XChangeProperty( display, window,
                2 );

	 * Add a pushpin. Who says Motif doesn't have
	 * pushpins? Normally, though, you'll want to
	 * place pushpins on pop-up windows like dialogs and
	 * menus, rather than on the top-level window.
        XChangeProperty( display, window,
                1 );

}       /* set_olwm_props */

 *	end of file

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Eric F. Johnson                                         BTI: Industrial
Boulware Technologies, Inc.   fax:   +1 612 894 0316    automation systems
415 W. Travelers Trail        email: erc@pai.mn.org     and services
Burnsville, MN 55337 USA