[comp.windows.x.motif] Keyboard Translations and Caps Lock

jerryl@is.Morgan.COM (Jerry Liebelson) (06/25/91)


 This is probably a simple problem. I have the following translations
and I want them to work even when the CAPS LOCK keys is pressed. Is
there any way of respecifying them to do that without having to include
additional translations with the Lock modifier?

    #override         <Key>F2:   send()\n\
    #override    Shift<Key>F2:   clear()\n\
    #override         <Key>F5:   add()\n\
    #override     Ctrl<Key>k:    kill()

I basically want the CAPS LOCK key to have no effect. But I still want
shift-F2 and F2 to be distinguishable, though  not Control-K and Control-k.

We use Sun SparcStations (Sun4 keyboard) IPC, Sparc2, SLC, SunOS 4.1.1
X11R4, Motif 1.1.
|        Jerry Liebelson         |      EMAIL: jerryl@is.morgan.com          |
|      Information Systems       |             uunet!is.morgan.com!jerryl    |
|    Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc.  |             Compuserve: 73477,2740        |
|    1633 Broadway 36th Floor    |      VOICE: (212) 703-2409                |
|      New York, NY  10019       |      FAX:   (212) 703-2371                |
|                                |                                           |