(Robert D. Carlitz) (12/02/90)
KIDSNET mailing list Readers of this newsgroup may be interested in the KIDSNET mailing list. The KIDSNET list was established a year and a half ago to stimulate the development of an international computer network for the use of children and their teachers. The first pieces of this network have already begun to take shape, and the mailing list now helps to guide its continuing evolution. Subscribers to the list include teachers, administrators, scientists, developers of software and hardware and officials of relevant funding agencies. Topics of continuing interest include: * networks at the local, regional and national level * news and mail interfaces suitable for children's use * network services for the K-12 audience * development of new network services and projects * collaborative projects at the national and international level * network access for the handicapped Subscription requests may be sent to one of the following addresses: [Internet] [Internet] joinkids@pittvms [BITNET] A spin-off of the KIDSNET list is another list called KIDS, which exists for children to post messages to other children. This second list was established after some children's postings appeared on KIDSNET and readers requested that the children's traffic be kept separate. Subscription requests for KIDS can be sent to JOINKIDS at the address given above. Postings to the KIDSNET list are accomplished with mailings to the address [Internet] or kidsnet@pittvms [BITNET] Similarly, children may post messages for the KIDS list by sending mail to [Internet] or kids@pittvms [BITNET] Bob Carlitz