[misc.education] Looking for university students/teachers...

eyu@umd5.umd.edu (Ellen Yu) (03/20/91)

Hi all!  I had recently posted a request about materials/examples of
using computers in classrooms.  Thanks to all who answered back. 

I'm now looking for university teachers/students who have used classrooms 
equipped with computers.  I'm looking for experiences, good and bad, in using
the classroom.  What worked?  What didn't work?  As a student, I'd be
interested in student reactions, but I would also like the teacher's

Again, thanks in advance for any information.  Please e-mail responses.  I
will post a summary if there are a lot of requests for a summary.

- Ellen Yu

Ellen Yu                             |  Phone: (301) 403-4623 office
Computer Science Center              |         (301) 474-9217 home
4321 Hartwick Rd., Suite 500         |  Internet: eyu@umd5.umd.edu
College Park, MD  20740              |  Compuserve: 71641,1764