[comp.org.sug] 1990 SUGFest

peter@world.std.com (Peter Salus) (05/31/90)

                            CALL FOR PAPERS
                       SUN USER GROUP CONFERENCE
                          DECEMBER 3-5, 1990
                             San Jose, CA

The Sun User Group annual conference this year will again include a track
of technical presentations from the USER community and will make
available a conference proceedings.  Authors are invited to submit papers
describing advanced work using Sun technology.  We have identified five
major categories of papers each with its own chairperson:

SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION.  These papers should be oriented toward systems,
procedures, and experiences administering a network of computers
involving Sun workstations and servers.  Network management,
configuration control, accounting, and user tracking are among
appropriate areas of focus.  SubChair:  Peter Galvin, Brown University,
401/863-7623, pbg@cs.brown.edu.

PERFORMANCE.  These papers should relate experiments, results (positive
and negative), and novel ideas for measuring or improving the performance
of one or more workstations or servers.  Load sharing, software
optimization, system or network monitoring, or advanced displays are
possibilities.  SubChair: Barry Shein, Software Tool & Die, 617/739-0202,

SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS.  These papers should describe the use of Sun
workstations and servers as the platform for scientific investigation.
Visualization, remote instrument monitoring, laboratory automation, space
systems, geological systems, and physical-world simulations are possible
topics.  SubChair: Dee Doyle, Research Institute for Advanced Computer
Science, 415/604-4911, doyle@riacs.edu.

COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS.  These papers should focus on the application
of workstation technology for commercial applications, such as banking,
stock market, reservations systems, commercial database applications, and
point-of-sale systems.  SubChair: Peter Zadrozny, Electronic Data
Systems, 313/645-4703, peter%edstip@eds.com.

INSTRUCTIONAL.  This is a new category for the conference.  These
sessions should focus on a particular aspect of Sun systems but are not
limited to Sun-specific topics.  The papers should be tutorial in nature,
geared to a particular audience, depending on how advanced the topic is.
Possibilities include the name domain system, yellow pages, UNIX text
tools, TOPS & CAP, integrating PCs and Suns, and TCP/IP.  Close
coordination with the SubChairperson is requested.  SubChair: William
Lefebvre, Northwestern University, 708/491-8141, phil@eecs.nwu.edu.


Submission deadline for extended abstracts or papers is August 31, 1990.
Notice of acceptance will be sent out by September 30, 1990.  Full papers
are due October 31, 1990.  Conference registration fees will be waived
for presenters (one per submission) of accepted papers.  All papers will
be reviewed by the program committee.

Papers should be strong in technical content and oriented toward the Sun
user community.  Marketing presentations are not appropriate for these
sessions.  If you have questions or want more information, contact either
the general chairperson or one of the subchairpeople listed above.

We strongly recommend electronic submission in PostScript form.  We
intend to publish an electronic proceedings.  If you need assistance in
creating a PostScript form of your paper, please contact the program
committee chairman.

Submit papers to: Robert L. Brown
                  Mail Stop 230-5
                  NASA Ames Research Center
                  Moffett Field, CA 94035


 Sun User Group, Inc. 
 Mail Stop PAL1-504 
 2550 Garcia Avenue
 Mountain View, CA 94043


The difference between practice and theory in practice is always
greater than the difference between practice and theory in theory.