[comp.org.sug] Time Change for LUG Advisory Committee Meeting

dinah@nicolle.bcm.tmc.edu (Dinah McNutt Anderson) (11/06/90)

                      LUG Advisory Committee Meeting

                           *** TIME CHANGE ****

In order to accomodate folks wanting to attend tutorials, the meeting
has been changed to 5:30 at the Fairmont. SUG will provide a light dinner
(cold cuts.) Please let me know by Wednesday if you can attend. The original
meeting notice follows below with a revised agenda.

On Sunday, December 2, there will be a meeting of the Advisory Committee in
San Jose before the 8th Sun User Group Conference and I would like to invite
all LUGs to send 1 or 2 representatives. SUG will provide lunch and the locationwill be the Fairmont Hotel. (Exact room number will be posted in the hotel.)
The preliminary agenda follows and is subject to change per your suggestions.

In preparation for this meeting, I would like to solicit questions you would
like to have addressed. Representatives from the SUG board, other LUGS and
Sun will attend, so this is a good opportunity to share your ideas with other

Please RSVP to me (dinah@bcm.tmc.edu or (713)798-5890) by Wednesday, November
7 if you plan to attend. Include your name, e-mail address, and LUG affiliation.
(Please note you do not have to be affiliated with a LUG to attend. This would
be a great place to learn more about starting a LUG.)

You can also send questions (about the meeting itself or questions for the 
Q/A) to dinah@bcm.tmc.edu.

                             Preliminary Agenda

Sunday, December 2

5:30 p.m.  Dinner

6:00        Introduction of the SUG Board and attendees
	    Overview of LUG Advisory Council
	    Solicitation of questions for Q/A session

	    LUG-SUG relationship - Peter Salus
	    Other topics include, but are not limited to:
            (Speakers will be invited as appropriate)
	    	Starting a new group 
	    	Setting up speakers
	    	Organizing a newsletter
                Other ideas welcome!

7:30      Break

7:45      Questions and Answer Session - Questions will be solicited in advance
          and will also be taken from the floor. Answers will be provided by
	  attendees include SUG board members.

9:00	  Wrap-up

Dinah McNutt Anderson		              Manager of Technology Integration
Baylor College of Medicine	                                 Houston, Texas
internet: dinah@bcm.tmc.edu                   uucp: {rutgers,mailrus}!bcm!dinah