[comp.org.sug] Call for Papers for UK Sun User '91

pb@cl.cam.ac.uk (Piete Brooks) (02/08/91)

	       Sun User Exhibition and Conference 1991
	      National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, UK

			September 10-12, 1991


Sun User '91 is an international conference on topics of interest to
users of Sun and compatible equipment, other workstations and related

This year's Conference has a European flavour, with the support of the
Sun User Groups of the majority of European countries. Submissions
from all over Europe, not just the UK, are actively encouraged. US
speakers will also be welcome and a number of invited US speakers are

The Conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to
discuss current and proposed developments and projects. The
presentations should be relevant to the majority of Sun users, and
although emphasis is placed on technical presentations there is also
room for position papers, technology overviews and summaries of state-
of-the-art developments in related technology areas.

Areas of interest to this conference might include:

o	Systems to automate the construction of graphical user interfaces 
o	Novel approaches to user interfacing 
o	Object-oriented development environments
o	Application approaching current limits of workstation technology 
o	Uses of hypertext/hypermedia 
o	Automated network management techniques 
o	Network management standardisation 
o	Performance issues: measurement techniques and results from real 
o	The changing role of the systems manager 
o	Sun security issues
o	Multiprocessing techniques for real-world applications 
o	Overviews of windowing, networking and systems management 

Presentations on other topics are also welcome. Talks which simply
describe products and have limited technical content would be
inappropriate for this forum.

Workstation usage is by nature multi-disciplinary, involving
researchers in many disciplines and application domains.  Descriptions
of applications of Sun equipment to novel or unusual problems are
welcomed. This conference will interest a broad spectrum of
professionals in these fields ranging from end-users through to
developers, systems managers and those with responsibility for
selecting and specifying information technology purchases.

The conference will offer technical events as well as guest speakers
and opportunities for informal special interest groups.  We are
inviting you to participate by writing papers or presenting technical
briefings.  In addition, poster exhibits will be offered a prominent
siting in the venue. Presentations which include a practical
demonstration, either live or on video, will be particularly welcome.

Assistance with travel expenses and accommodation will be provided for
any speakers who require it.  The conference registration fee will be
waived for the presenter (one per submission) of accepted papers.

Instructions to Authors

To assist the publication of proceedings, both in printed and
electronic form, submissions are preferred in machine-readable ASCII
form or PostScript. Contact Daphne Tregear (dtregear@cs.man.ac.uk, +44
61 275 6227) for assistance if you are unable to suply either of
these.  The Conference language will be English.  Abstracts for
papers, technical briefings and poster sessions should be no longer
than 1000 words and should be submitted to:

    Piete Brooks
    Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
    Corn Exchange Street
    Cambridge CB2 3QG
    Tel: +44 223 33 4600
    Fax: +44 223 33 4678 marked "Attn: Piete Brooks"
    e-mail: pb@cl.cam.ac.uk

Some sessions will be 30 minutes and others 45 minutes.  Please state
your preference.

Summary of Deadlines

Extended abstracts for papers, and technical briefings	31 March, 1991
Acceptance notification for papers			30 April, 1991
Posters							31 May, 1991
Final papers due for proceedings			31 May, 1991

Technical Program Committee

Piete Brooks (University of Cambridge, UK)		pb@cl.cam.ac.uk
Stan Hanks (Technology Transfer Associates, USA)        stan@sug.org
Steve Holden (Desktop Connection, UK)			steveh@cs.man.ac.uk
Minna Manninen (Tampere University, Finland)		ccmima@uta.fi
Alex Osadzinski (Sun Microsystems)			Alex.Osadzinski@sun-microsystems.co.uk
Stephan Paulisch (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)	paulisch@ira.uka.de
Daphne Tregear (University of Manchester, UK)		dtregear@cs.man.ac.uk