[misc.forsale.computers] 1084d Amiga analog RGB monitor FOR SALE

henning@thor.acc.stolaf.edu (07/17/90)

Commodore model 1084s (d) monitor for sale:  

	1.5 years old.  Works well.  Went in for yearly preventative 
	maintainance and received a clean bill of health.

	minor cosmetic mar; crack in outer case on lower-left-hand-front
	corner.  I bought it this way from my dealer who gave me a good
	deal on it, because he didn't want to deal with the hassle of
	shipping it back for a replacement.  It does not impair the 
	functionality of the monitor, and is generally noticed only when
	pointed out.

	Make a reasonable offer.  I would like $200, at which price
	I will pay shipping, but will consider any reasonable offer.

	reason for selling: I am purchasing a Mitsubishi multisync, and 
	wish to offset the cost of the new monitor.

	Please reply by EMail, as I board at a house without my own phone.

						-Mark Henning


All opinions are my own, as are the spellings
any deviation from the norm is just an effect
of my deviance.