(M. Khan) (09/01/90)
F O R S A L E (First $2900 & shipping offer takes it; or best offer over $2500 over next few days.) ......................................................................... Specs for the Colorboard 104. System Requirements: Macintosh II [series] personal computer. Interface: Nubus, any slot. Physical - one NuBus slot one connector. Power - 4Amps at 5V. (equiv to 2 NuBus slots) Resolution: 1024 pixels horizontally by 768 vertically. Horizontal Frequency - 48.0 KHz. Vertical Frequency - 60.0 Hz. Color Table: 16.7 million distinct colors. Output Signals - Video - RS 343 compatible, sync on green, 15 pin D-subminiature connector, same pinout as Macintosh II video card. Display Bit Modes: 8, 24 (software selected) ......................................................................... The RasterOps Monitor, is apparently based on the Sony GDM 1952, Trinitron Graphic Display Monitor. The specs for that from an accompanying sheet are: Video IN connectors: BNC. Accept RGB video signals (0.714 Vp-p, positive). When no external sync signal is applied, an internal sync signal (0.286 Vp-p, negative) must be added to the G signal. Sync IN: connectors BNC, 75 Ohms. Accept external sync signals (1-4 Vp-p, negative) HD: for horizontal drive pulse or composite drive puse. VD: for vertical drive pulse. When an external sync signal is applied, the monitor is automatically switched from the internal sync mode to the external sync mode. Picture Tube: .31mm phosphor pitch aperture grille, 19" measured diagonally. 90-degree deflection. Picture size: 14 1/4 x 10 3/4 inches. Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixel Deflection Freq: Horizontal 48.8 kHz, Vertical 60.0 Hz ......................................................................... ... upgrade to a 24L ($5500+ mailorder) only when you have to...meanwhile start enjoying 24bit color today...and cheaply too... This hardware has only been sparingly used at home; I simply don't have any use for a color monitor. (512)467-0208 FAX: (512)467-0144 --------------------------------- bigtex!wroach!mk [Obnoxious mail (frivolous flames?) forwarded to admin at originating or/and access-providing site.]