[misc.forsale.computers] Alliant FX/80 For Sale

marti@spot.Colorado.EDU (Al Marti) (11/01/90)

The following Alliant FX/80 (field upgraded from an FX/8) Supercomputer
is being offered for $125,000.00 o.b.o.  The system will be available 
February 1, 1991.

If interested contact Al Marti at:

Internet: marti@spot.Colorado.EDU

Phone:    (303)492-4617

US Mail:  Al Marti
          Computing & Network Services
          University of Colorado
          3645 Marine St
          Campus Box 455
          Boulder, CO   80309-0455

The Alliant is configured with 64 MB memory, 8 Computational Elements, 5
Interactive Processors, 3.5 GigaBytes disk storage, 3-density 9-track
Tape Drive, 16 line MUX and Console monitor w/printer.  A detailed inventory
follows along with output from the syscfg(1) command.

Qnty |  model# | Description:
  1     B511     FX/8 System Building Block includes:
                 1 Computational Element (CE)
                 32 Mbyte Memory Module
                 256 Kbyte CE cache memory
                 32 Kbyte IP cache memory
                 System floppy disk and controller
                 System cabinet with power, cooling and expansion 
                      for 8 CE system.
                 System Interactive Processor (IP)
                 MULTIBUS memory Module
  1     P601    FX/8 Peripheral Building Block includes:
                P104 - 379 Mbyte disk drive
                M101 - SMD disk controller
                E403 - Interactive Processor (IP)
                K003 - Configurable MULTIBUS chassis
  1     P203.21 IPS Tri-density Tape 9-track Tape Drive and Controller
  7     E101    Additional Computational Elements
  1     E203    32 Mbyte Memory Module
  1     E303    256 Kbyte CPC Cache Memory
  3     E403    Interactive Processors
  1     E302    32 KB add-on IP cache Memory
  2     M101    SMD Disk Controller
  2     P104    379 Mbyte Disk Drives
  2     K002    19" Expansion Chassis
  1     K003    Configurable Multibus Chassis
  1     M401    Comm. Controller (16 async lines)
  1     P305    Master Console
  1     P302    Printer for master console
  1     M501    ETHERNET Controller (IEEE 802.3 compatible)
  8     E101.U  Upgrade to Super CEs
  2     E40X.U  Upgrade to VME IP
  3     EM10X   VME Disk Controllers
  1     E40X    VME IP
  1     K00X    VME Chassis
  3             Fujitsu M2344 690 Mbyte Disk Drives
  1     L104.A  Pascal
  1     S102.A  16 user Concentrix License (includes C and EMACS)
  1     L103.A  Concurrent FX/Fortran
  1     C103.A  NFS for the FX8-4

syscfg output
System Configuration for FX80 cerberus (serial # 253 ):
    Memory Size   = 64 Mb
    CE-Cache Size = 512 Kb
    User Memory   = 57.4 Mb
    Paging File   = 332.9 Mb
    Swapping File = 117.0 Mb
    Number of IPs = 6
	M020/VME = 2/4
    Number of CEs = 8
	Detach/Attach = 4/4

IP-0 (Multibus 68020):
     ds0 (major= 48) (addr=0x6f0000) Qualogy 5217/5317 Controller
    mti0 (major= 64) (addr=0x6f0300) Systech 1650/850 Multiplexor
	/dev/tty00 thru /dev/tty0f
     xd0 (major=  0) (addr=0x6f0100) Xylogics 451 Disk Controller
	 Drive(s) Online: 0

IP-1 (Multibus 68020):
     ex0 (major=217) (addr=0x6f0010) Excelan 201 Ethernet Controller
     xt0 (major= 32) (addr=0x6f0200) Xylogics 472 Tape Controller

IP-2 (VMEbus 68020):
    xdv1 (major= 97) (addr=0x6fee50) Xylogics 752/754 Disk Controller
	 Drive(s) Online: 0 1

IP-3 (VMEbus 68020):
    xdv2 (major= 98) (addr=0x6fee60) Xylogics 752/754 Disk Controller
	 Drive(s) Online: 0 1

IP-4 (VMEbus 68020):
    xdv3 (major= 99) (addr=0x6fee70) Xylogics 752/754 Disk Controller
	 Drive(s) Online: 0 1

IP-5 (VMEbus 68020):
    xdv4 (major=100) (addr=0x6fee80) Xylogics 752/754 Disk Controller
	 Drive(s) Online: 0 1