[misc.forsale.computers] PDP stuff for sale

cbreyman@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (C "Squibby" Breyman) (12/16/90)

My college radio station has been given some PDP equipment we can't
use. Any offers for the equipment below will be considered. Note
that we have no platters for the drives or tapes, so we have no
software. No documentation either. As we have never booted the
thing, we are unaware of the its operating condition.

Please reply directly to either: cbreyman@ucsd.edu sbranin@ucsd.edu
or ksdt@ucsd.edu

PDP 11/44 Front Panel
H7140	PowerSupply
H7902 	Control Board
M8256	Floppy Controller
M7901	Register Board
M7900	RK611 Unibus Interface
M7904	RK611 Disk Drive Interface
M7903	RK611 Data Module
M9302	Unibus Terminator
M8722	ECC MOS Memory (x4 cards)
M7098	Unibus Control
M7097	Cache
M7096	MFM
M7095	Cntrl Mod
M7094 	Data Path
M7093	Floating Point
M7090	CIM
RK07	Platter Drive (x2 drives)
TU58-DA	Dual 1/4" Tape Drive
SM-WXMMB-BK	Rack (x4 racks)