(Steve Cutchin) (11/15/90)
To the individual who shipped me the computer from San Diego. Could you please contact me by email or phone as it appears we have unfinished business to take care of. -- Steve Cutchin b29!blamoure! 1-(205)-730-6625 (work) 1-(205)-895-9462 (home) (Alan Porter) (01/14/91)
I have an Amiga 500 system for sale as follows: Amiga 500 w/1.3, 512K agnus A501 clone w/512K and clock A520 composite video adaptor Xetec FastTrak SCSI host adaptor Seagate ST-277N-1 65Mb SCSI hard disk Xetec FastRAM expansion w/2Mb RAM $1100 or best offer for the WHOLE SYSTEM (not sold separately) I also have miscellaneous books and cables and stuff. The whole package originally cost me $1642. If you are interested, send e-mail to or call me at (919) 737-6121. // Alan Porter \X/ NCSU Computer Theme Program Amiga Box 21536 NCSU / Raleigh, NC 27607 USA / Tel: +1 919 737 6121