(Hitesh Parikh) (02/22/91)
~s WANTED: Mac Plus, SE system: *cpu, modem, printer, hard disk* URGENT: I need a Mac Plus or SE system. If you have any of the below listed items or advice on these items PLEASE contact me via Internet: or phone: 512-472-8814 1. Plus or SE 2. Printer (Mac compatible) 3. Modem=>2400 baud, pref. V.42bis, MNP 5. (I've seen a 2400 baud Zoom external modem with V.42bis for about $190 in Computer Shopper. Does anyone have any experience with this modem??) 4. Hard Drive 20-100 MB (again Mac compatible) Q: Is there a 9 or 24 pin printer that has drivers for both Proprinter (Epson etc.) AND Imagewriter emulation (i know that I could probably buy a Grappler for about $150 to solve this problem, but is there a simpler solution?) ? Thanks in advance :-)!! ~<~hp.sig