[misc.forsale.computers] S O F T W A R E for S A L E

davids@cup.portal.com (David Kenneth Schreiber) (08/23/90)

I have two software packages for sale:

 Harvard Graphics V2.3 (3.5" & 5.25").  Asking $270/obo

 PFS: Preface (3.5").  Asking $45/obo

Both packages are still in the original shrink-wrap (i.e. brand-new,
never been used).  The prices above include shipping to anywhere in the
U.S.  If you're interested, send me e-mail or call me at 408-446-9084.

-Dave Schreiber at davids@cup.portal.com           "Coffee, Darling?"

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (11/09/90)

Hi.  I have some Amiga hardware and software that I would like to sell.  All
are complete in box, with manuals, disks, etc.	Registration cards have not
been filled in (ie, they're blank).  It behooves me to say that MichTron
is going out of business, and their software support and sales are being
taken over by Creative Computers.  The first person with $100 get all of
these things.

Title	    Description 					    Price
MasterSound Sound sampler and software.  FFT, fades, editing,	    $40.00
	    preview, overlay, loop, wipes, reverse, triggered
	    sampling, etc.  The warranty card has been filled
	    in and sent in on this one.

GFA-BASIC   BASIC interpreter					    $30.00

VTX-On-Line Terminal program.  VT100, Tektronix 4014,		    $20.00
	    GIF viewer, ASCII send, X-modem, X-modem 1K,
	    Y-modem, Kermit, Compuserve "B", online help,
	    structured scripting language, clipboard support,
	    two window chat.

VIVA	    (Visual Interfaced Video Authoring)                     $25.00
	    Multimedia, object oriented authoring system.

Protext     Word processor.  Spell checker, visual display of	    $20.00
	    text attributes (ie, boldface, italics, super and
	    subscript, underline text displayed onscreen), mail-
	    merge, macros, macro recording, command interpreter.

Quartet     4 channel sample sequencer, over 100 instruments and    $5.00
	    sounds, full MIDI keyboard support, score editing,
	    low pass filter control, etc.  This program is lame
	    since it does not allow you to use the hard drive
	    (from what I can see at least).  If you buy all of
	    the programs, I'll throw this in free.

You pay shipping on all items.	First person with $100 gets it all.

			Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Seguin			gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu
536 South Forest Apt. #915	gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI 48104		(313) 662-4805

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (11/13/90)

I have gone through my stuff and found some more software that I would
like to rid myself of.	These are all games.  Some good, some not so good.
All are new, with registration cards still blank.  I'll take $55 for all
of them.  You pay shipping.

Title	    Description 					    Price
Jug	    Shoot 'em up.  Nice graphics and sound.  Good game.     $15.00

Hit Disks:  4 games: Goldrunner, Jupiter Probe, Karate Kid II,	    $15.00

Major	    Car shoot 'em up game.  Just like Spy Hunter            $12.00

Insanity    Space shoot 'em up.  Very slick graphics.               $12.00

Tanglewood  Graphic adventure.	Nice graphics.			    $12.00

Goldrunner  Shoot 'em up.  Nice graphics and game play.  Hard.      $10.00

Airball     Action/adventure.  More action than adventure.	    $10.00
	    I like the concept, and the graphics are cool.

Tetra Quest Maze game and shoot 'em up.  Neat concept.  Nice        $10.00

Bermuda     Graphic adventure.	Nice graphics.			    $10.00

Slip Stream 3D shoot 'em up.  Graphics are ok.                      $8.00

Zero	    3D Pong type game.	Ok.				    $8.00

		Thanks, Ralph

Ralph Seguin			gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu
536 South Forest Apt. #915	gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu
Ann Arbor, MI 48104		(313) 662-4805

baack@husc9.harvard.edu (Audy Baack) (02/27/91)

I have several software packages that I am interested in selling.  If you
feel the price is unfair, make me an offer.  I'll respond to all inquiries.

Most, if not all, the software is of the latest version.  All are for MAC.
Everything includes the original disks and all documentation included with
the packages.

	Software			Asking Price
1) 	Microsoft Word v4.0		$125.00
	 includes: Superpaint 1.1

2)	Microsoft Excel v2.2		$125.00

3)	CopyII/MacTools			$5.00

4)	Canvas 2.0			$90.00

5)	Type!				$5.00

6)	SoftPC v1.3			$125.00

7)	Fourth Dimension v2.2.1		$250.00

8)	Quicken				$10.00

9)	MacPrint			$40.00

10)	MacTools Deluxe			$20.00

11)	DeskWriter Extra Fonts		$50.00

12)	Doug Clapp's Word Tools		$30.00

13)	First Aid Kit			$50.00
	  Includes: Complete Undelete
		    Sector Collector

14)	DiskLock			$50.00

15)	Tetris				$10.00

16) 	Screen Gems			$10.00

17)	AfterDark 2.0			$10.00


	I will pay postage for any orders over $100.00.  Less than that, please
include $2.50 for postage.  Also, shipment will be made when payment is 
received.  Thanks!

	Audy Baack

	baack@husc9.harvard.edu	OR baack@harvarda.harvard.edu