[misc.forsale.computers] WANTED: Amiga 2000

seamus@bucsf.bu.edu (jefF rizzO) (04/29/91)

I'm looking to buy an Amiga 2000... All I need is the actual CPU itself.
(with keyboard and mouse, of course) I am NOT in the market for a complete
system, although I'd consider a HD setup if the price was right. (IE a GREAT

I'd prefer one with the 1.3 kickstart and 1Meg Agnus, although the 512K agnus
would be perfectly acceptable.

Main consideration is price, so please mail me a description of your machine
and your asking price, and we'll haggle!

Jeff Rizzo           | "If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy,
seamus@bucsf.bu.edu  |  would it?"
(617)566-0693        |