ganpaty@ut-ngp.UTEXAS (S.Ganapathy) (10/23/85)
dw I would like to recieve help from those of you in a similar situation. I want to buy a round trip air ticket for my mom who is going to visit this country soon on a toruist visa. I would like to know about the best and cheapest way to buy the air ticket. I would expect the stay to last for about 3 to 6 mo. Please also state any limitations that you faced in a similar situation. Thanks in advance. Please send replies to my net address ganpaty@UT.ngp My address is : S. Ganapathy 304 E. 33rd. St., Apt#11 Austin, TX 78705 Res: (512) 469 9602, Work: (512) 471 4375 *** R EPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE ***