[misc.forsale.computers] Alliant FX/80 - FOR SALE

hare@cs.purdue.EDU (Steve Hare) (10/04/90)

The Computer Science Department at Purdue University is selling an
Alliant FX/80 computer system. The configuration of this system is as
follows :

	FX/80 System Building Block with 3 ACE's
	Peripheral Building Block
	SMD Controller
	Ethernet Controller
	16 Line Communications Controller
	Master Console
	Dot Matrix Printer
	16 User Concentrix License
	NFS for FX/80 (up to 3 ACE's)
	Multiuser FX/C License

This system includes 32 megabytes of memory, 2 IP's, 256K CE cache,
Telex 9-track tape drive, and 512 megs of disk space. This machine has
been maintained by Alliant for the past two years and was orginally an
FX/8 which was upgraded.

We are asking $60,000 for this machine and will consider all serious
offers.  Please direct inquiries to me at the address below.

Steve Hare	    Research Facilities Manager
Purdue University	   Computer Sciences Department
hare@cs.purdue.edu  (ARPA) 	...!purdue!hare  (UUCP)

hare@cs.purdue.EDU (Steve Hare) (11/06/90)

The Computer Science Department at Purdue University is selling an
Alliant FX/80 computer system. The configuration of this system is as
follows :

	FX/80 System Building Block with 3 ACE's
	Peripheral Building Block
	SMD Controller
	Ethernet Controller
	16 Line Communications Controller
	Master Console
	Dot Matrix Printer
	16 User Concentrix License
	NFS for FX/80 (up to 3 ACE's)
	Multiuser FX/C License

This system includes 32 megabytes of memory, 2 IP's, 256K CE cache,
Telex 9-track tape drive, and 1 gigabyte of disk space. This machine has
been maintained by Alliant for the past two years and was orginally an
FX/8 which was upgraded.

We are asking $60,000 for this machine and will consider all serious
offers.  Please direct inquiries to me at the address below.

Steve Hare	    Research Facilities Manager
Purdue University	   Computer Sciences Department
hare@cs.purdue.edu  (ARPA) 	...!purdue!hare  (UUCP)


Quantity	Model	Description

1		B511	FX/8 System Building Block includes:
			Advanced Computational Element
			32 MB Memory module
			256 KB CPC
			32 KB IPC
			System floppy disk and controller
			System VME IP 68020
			System cabinet
			Multibus Memory Module

1		P503	Peripheral Building Block includes:
			Tri-Density Tape Drive
			Magnetic Tape Controller
			Two (2) 550 MB Disks
			VME SMD Disk Controller
			VME Interactive Processor
			VME Multibus Chassis

2		E102	Advanced Computational Element

1		M404	VME Communicational Controller (16 line)

1		K002	19" Expansion Cabinet

1		M102	VME SMD Controller

1		M506	VME Ethernet Controller

2		E404	VME Interactive Processor (68020)

1		M202	VME Tape Controller

1		P302	Dot Matrix Printer

1		P305	Video Terminal

1		S102	Concentrix

1		L103	FX/Fortran

1		C102	NFS

1		L303	FX/C


System Configuration for FX80 hercules.cs.purdue.edu (serial # 181 ):
    Memory Size   = 32 Mb
    CE-Cache Size = 256 Kb
    User Memory   = 25.8 Mb
    Paging File   = 134.1 Mb
    Swapping File = 109.7 Mb
    Number of IPs = 2
	M020/VME = 0/2
    Number of CEs = 3
	Detach/Attach = 0/3

hare@cs.purdue.EDU (Steve Hare) (12/06/90)

The Computer Science Department at Purdue University is selling an
Alliant FX/80 computer system. The configuration of this system is
as follows:

	FX/80 System Building Block with 3 ACE's
	Peripheral Building Block
	SMD Controller
	Ethernet Controller
	16 Line Communications Controller
	Master Console
	Dot Matrix Printer
	16 User Concentrix License
	NFS for FX/80 (up to 3 ACE's)
	Multiuser FX/C License

This system includes 32 megabytes of memory, 2 IP's, 256K CE cache,
Telex 9-track tape drive, and 1 gigabyte of disk space. This machine has
been maintained by Alliant for the past two years and was orginally an
FX/8 which was upgraded.

We are asking $55,000 for this machine and will consider all serious
offers. Tranfer of all software licenses will have to be negotiated with 
Alliant Compter Systems Corporation. Please direct inquiries to me at 
the address below.

Steve Hare	    Research Facilities Manager
Purdue University	   Computer Sciences Department
hare@cs.purdue.edu  (ARPA) 	...!purdue!hare  (UUCP)


Software Configuration (4):

MT	SW Code		SW Description		Rev
T9	FXC		FX/C			2.1
FD	NFS		Network File System

Hardware Configuration (26):

System Boards (14):
Name	Part Number	Description
ACE	202-00039	Super CE Bd (ACE)
ACE	202-00039	Super CE Bd (ACE)
ACE	202-00039	Super CE Bd (ACE)
CPC 	202-00024	CPC 256Kb Bd (Cache)
F PANEL	202-00010	Frnt Pnl Bd
IPC	202-00008	IPC Bd (Cache)
L PS	175-00001	1500W Pwr Sup
MEM	202-00001-02	8mb MMry Bd
MEM	202-00001-02	8mb MMry Bd
MEM 	202-00001-02	8mb MMry Bd
MEM 	202-00001-02	8mb MMry Bd
MIB	202-00023	MIB 512Kb Bd
PCU	250-00004-01	Assy FX8 PCU Domstc
R PS	175-00001	1500W Pwr Sup

IO Ctrlr Boards (7):
Name	Part Number	Description
EX 202	181-00015	VME Ethrnt Ctrlr
VME IP	202-00037	VME IP W/O Des Euro 
VME IP	202-00037	VME IP W/O Des Euro
XY 754	181-00018	VME 754 3.0xfer Disk
XY 754	181-00018	VME 754 3.0xfer Disk
XY 772	181-00013	VME Tape Cntrlr
XY 780			780 MUX 16 line

Peripherals (5):
Name		Part Number 	Description
DPMG9		180-00019-01	Dot Matrix Prtr Dom
FJ 2344		180-00021-02	690mb Disk VME
FJ 2344		180-00021-02	690mb Disk VME
HP 2392A	180-00018-01	12'" Video Term Green
TEL 9250	180-00001-01	50 Ips Tape Dry Doms

mking@scotty.cc.rochester.edu (Mary Smith) (05/22/91)

The University of Rochester Computing Center is selling an Alliant FX/80
computer system.

This system includes 64 megabytes of memory, 6 IP's, 5 CE's, 512K CE
cache, video terminal, ethernet controller, dot matrix printer, 16 Line
Asynchronous Multiplexor, Tridensity 1/2" tape drive, and  4 550 Mb. disk
drives. This machine has been maintained by Alliant for the past 3 years.

We are asking $50,000.00, but will consider all serious offers.  Please
direct inquiries to:

Mary Smith
Senior Systems Programmer
University of Rochester 
Computing Center
727 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, New York 14620
mking@cc.rochester.edu  or ames!rochester!ur-cc!mking