[misc.forsale.computers] Books for sale

wolm@aix01.aix.rpi.edu (Charles Wonchul Lim) (02/02/91)

I have some books and softwares for sale.
All, except one, of the books are new.  (I bought these books a year or so
ago, but have not used them )
(PB) stands for paperback, (HC) stands for hard cover.

Symantec Think C 4.0                                $110.00               
   C compiler for Macintosh system

The Night Watch (kent Marsh Ltd)                     $35.00
   Security software for Macintosh Hard Drive

---------------  BOOKS ---------------------------------------------
Inside Macintosh Vol. I, II, III      (PB)           $20.00 each

Hypercard Script Language Guide :                    $17.00 
  The HyperTalk Language (from Apple) (HC)    

Using the Macintosh Toolbox with C (2nd Ed.)         $25.00
    Fred A. Huxham, David Burnard, Jim Takatsuka
    (from Sybex)                      (PB)
Operating System Concepts (alternate Ed.)            $20.00
    Abraham Silberschatz, James L. Peterson
    (from Addison-Wesley)             (HC)

Principles of Concurrent Programming                 $20.00
    M. Ben-Ari  (from Prentice Hall)  (PB)

Fundamentals of Database Systems                     $30.00
    Elmasri, Navathe
    (from Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing)
    *almost new : a few high lights   (HC)

Programming in ADA : a first course                  $10.00
    Robert G. Clark
    (from Cambridge Univ. Press)      (PB)

Prolog Programming                                   $15.00
    Applications for Database Systems, 
    Expert systems and Natural Language Sys.
    Claudia Marcus, Arity Corp.      
    (from Addison-wesley)             (PB)

ACM Turing Award Lectures (1966-1985)                $15.00
    ACM Press                         (HC)

    Computing Fundamentals : Page Maker               $7.00
       Jacqueline Davies              (PB)

I am selling these books and softwares due to financial difficulties.
(I am selling the softwares because I sold the computer)
If you are interested in any of above items Please contact me by 
My address is    WOLM@AIX.RPI.EDU

CTuna@cup.portal.com (Don S Gladden) (04/17/91)

I have the following NEW books for sale.  First come, first served.

 Complete Book of Lisa                   Schmucker         $5.00 + $3 S&H
 Conquering Adventure Games              Townsend          $5.00 + $3 S&H
 Simply Multiplan                        Chirlian          $4.00 + $3 S&H

Address is:  Don Gladden
             PO Box 247
             Fullerton, CA  92632-0247
             (714) 526-3270

CTuna@cup.portal.com (Don S Gladden) (06/08/91)

                           *** BOOKS ***
                      COMMODORE SPECIFIC BOOKS:
 1541 User's Guide                       Neufeld       8.00 + $3 S&H
 Advanced Game Design For The C=64       Schwenk       6.00 + $3 S&H
 Advanced Prgmng Techniques for C=64     Lawrence      8.00 + $3 S&H
 All About The Commodore 64 Vol. #1      COMPUTE!      8.00 + $3 S&H
 Big Tip Book for C64                    Beagle Bros.  8.00 + $3 S&H
 C128 Assembly Language Programming      Sams         12.00 + $3 S&H
 C64 Puzzlements                         Kohl          3.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore Disk Reference Manual         CBM           6.00 + $2 S&H
 (For D9090, D9060, 8250, 8050, 4040, 2031)
 Creating Arcade Games for C64           Compute!      6.00 + $3 S&H
 Getting the Most from the C64           Onosko        6.00 + $3 S&H
 Kids and the Commodore 64               Compute!      6.00 + $2 S&H
 Printer Book for C64                    Abacus        6.00 + $2 S&H
 Second Book of Commodore 64             Compute!      6.00 + $2 S&H
 Programming the Commodore 64 (R.C.West) Compute!     15.00 + $4 S&H
 Telecomputing on the C64                Compute!      6.00 + $3 S&H
                        OTHER COMPUTER BOOKS:
 1001 Things to do with your PC          Sawusch       2.00 + $3 S&H
 34 Game Programs in BASIC               Horn          2.00 + $3 S&H
 A To Z Book of Computer Games           McIntire      2.00 + $3 S&H
 BASIC Computer Games TRS-80 Ed.         Radio Shack   1.00 + $3 S&H
 BASIC Handbook                          Lien         12.00 + $4 S&H
 Computers for Everybody                 Willis        3.00 + $3 S&H
 Conquering Adventure Games              Townsend      5.00 + $3 S&H
 Crash Course in Microcomputers          Sams          5.00 + $3 S&H
 First Book of Commodore 64              Compute!      6.00 + $3 S&H
 Game Playing with BASIC                 Spencer       3.00 + $3 S&H
 Giant Book of Computer Software         Tab           2.00 + $3 S&H
 Machine Language for Beginners          Compute!      6.00 + $3 S&H
 Making BASIC Work for You               DeRossi       2.00 + $3 S&H
 More BASIC Computer Games               Ahl           3.00 + $3 S&H
 Simply Multiplan                        Chirlian      4.00 + $3 S&H
 Aprotek Minimodem-C Owners Manual and User Guide      1.00 + $1 S&H
 Aprotek Minimodem-H Owners Manual and User Guide      1.00 + $1 S&H
 Trans Com TCM-1200H Instruction Manual                1.00 + $1 S&H
 Trans Com TCM-1200H-Jr Instruction Manual             1.00 + $1 S&H
 Commodore 1702 Color Monitor User Manual              1.00 + $1 S&H
 SuperCat Disk Catalog System User Manual              2.00 + $2 S&H
 Epyx Fastload Cartridge User Manual                   1.00 + $1 S&H
 C64 Link II User Manual                               2.00 + $2 S&H
 PAL 64 User Manual                                    3.00 + $2 S&H
 SuperScript 128 User Manual                           3.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1541 Disk Drive User Manual                 2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1571 Disk Drive User Guide                  2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1541-II Disk Drive User Manual              2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1351 Mouse User Guide                       2.00 + $2 S&H

CTuna@cup.portal.com (Don S Gladden) (06/23/91)

                           *** BOOKS ***
                      COMMODORE SPECIFIC BOOKS:
 1541 User's Guide                       Neufeld       8.00 + $3 S&H
 Advanced Game Design For The C=64       Schwenk       5.00 + $3 S&H
 Advanced Prgmng Techniques for C=64     Lawrence      5.00 + $3 S&H
 All About The Commodore 64 Vol. #1      COMPUTE!      6.00 + $3 S&H
 Big Tip Book for C64                    Beagle Bros.  6.00 + $3 S&H
 C128 Assembly Language Programming      Sams         12.00 + $3 S&H
 C64 Puzzlements                         Kohl          3.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore Disk Reference Manual         CBM           5.00 + $2 S&H
 (For D9090, D9060, 8250, 8050, 4040, 2031)
 Creating Arcade Games for C64           Compute!      5.00 + $3 S&H
 First Book of Commodore 64              Compute!      6.00 + $3 S&H
 Getting the Most from the C64           Onosko        5.00 + $3 S&H
 Kids and the Commodore 64               Compute!      5.00 + $2 S&H
 Printer Book for C64                    Abacus        6.00 + $2 S&H
 Second Book of Commodore 64             Compute!      6.00 + $2 S&H
 Programming the Commodore 64 (R.C.West) Compute!     12.00 + $4 S&H
 Telecomputing on the C64                Compute!      5.00 + $3 S&H
                        OTHER COMPUTER BOOKS:
 1001 Things to do with your PC          Sawusch       2.00 + $3 S&H
 34 Game Programs in BASIC               Horn          2.00 + $3 S&H
 A To Z Book of Computer Games           McIntire      2.00 + $3 S&H
 BASIC Computer Games TRS-80 Ed.         Radio Shack   1.00 + $3 S&H
 BASIC Handbook                          Lien         10.00 + $4 S&H
 Computers for Everybody                 Willis        3.00 + $3 S&H
 Conquering Adventure Games              Townsend      3.00 + $3 S&H
 Crash Course in Microcomputers          Sams          3.00 + $3 S&H
 Game Playing with BASIC                 Spencer       3.00 + $3 S&H
 Giant Book of Computer Software         Tab           2.00 + $3 S&H
 Machine Language for Beginners          Compute!      5.00 + $3 S&H
 Making BASIC Work for You               DeRossi       2.00 + $3 S&H
 More BASIC Computer Games               Ahl           3.00 + $3 S&H
 Simply Multiplan                        Chirlian      3.00 + $3 S&H
 Aprotek Minimodem-C Owners Manual and User Guide      1.00 + $1 S&H
 Aprotek Minimodem-H Owners Manual and User Guide      1.00 + $1 S&H
 Trans Com TCM-1200H Instruction Manual                1.00 + $1 S&H
 Trans Com TCM-1200H-Jr Instruction Manual             1.00 + $1 S&H
 Commodore 1702 Color Monitor User Manual              1.00 + $1 S&H
 SuperCat Disk Catalog System User Manual              2.00 + $2 S&H
 Epyx Fastload Cartridge User Manual                   1.00 + $1 S&H
 C64 Link II User Manual                               2.00 + $2 S&H
 PAL 64 User Manual                                    3.00 + $2 S&H
 SuperScript 128 User Manual                           3.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1541 Disk Drive User Manual                 2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1571 Disk Drive User Guide                  2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1541-II Disk Drive User Manual              2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1351 Mouse User Guide                       2.00 + $2 S&H

 If interested, reply in EMail or call/write.

 Address is:
 Don Gladden
 PO Box 247
 Fullerton, CA  92632-0247
 (714) 526-3270