mbb@cbnewsb.cb.att.com (martin.brilliant) (06/26/91)
I have in my possession some Tandy computers, peripherals, software, manuals, and magazines that belong to a local non-profit organization in central New Jersey. The computers are two TRS-80 Model III computers and one Model 4. One Model III has disk drives with a controller problem that affects disk-to-disk transfers; the others are cassette systems. The Model IIIs both have RS-232 interfaces. The peripherals include three modems, two computer cassette recorders, and a DMP-100 printer. The software includes copies of the Editor-Assembler, Scripsit, utilities, games, etc. Is there any market for this material? I have inventoried the hardware but have not catalogued the software and paperware. Obviously the manuals should be matched with the relevant hardware or software before anybody takes anything away. If there is any interest, please reply by email. If that fails, try voice phone at (908)949-1215 (work) or (908)946-8147 (home). Marty marty@hoqax.att.com hoqax!marty Martin B. Brilliant (Winnertech Corporation)