[comp.sys.amiga.games] Autoduel, Pool of Radiance

moynihan_r@apollo.HP.COM (Robert Moynihan) (05/26/90)


Anyone out there have Origin Systems' "Autoduel" game?  I need advice.
I keep getting shot to pieces every time I get out on the road.  It 
seems the only way I can get any cash is thru "amateur night" at the 
arena.  Here's what I've tried to do:

   1: Get cash from amateur night to build my own car.  When I do, and
try to enter an arena event for that bracket ($5k, $10k, whatever,) I
get shot to pieces.  It doesn't seem to matter how high my driving and
marksmanship skill is, that just makes it take longer. (I was close to
the max skills on each, and still got blasted in a $10k bracket duel.)

   2: Get my own car then take to the road as a courier.  This is worse
than the arena.  I had a $24,000 van with heavy armor, a front mounted
laser, and rear mounted recoilless rifle.  I made it from New York to
Albany, then got wiped out on the way from Albany to Boston.  It seems 
that the only thing to do on the road is to avoid combat whenever 
possible.  Just run away (if you can.)

   Has anyone devised a method of success to this game?  Anyone seen a
hint book?  Any help is appreciated.


I had Pool of Radiance for the C-64 before I bought my Amiga.  I loved
the game, my only complaint was that it was so bloody slow - data loads
every time you went inside/outside/changed areas/had combat/cast spells
- you get the idea.  With an Ami, such disk I/O should be far reduced,
making "Pools" a far more enjoyable game.  The port to the Amiga has 
been coming out "real soon now" since November.  Last I heard, its 
current ship date is late June (they haven't said what year...)  Do we
have anyone with inside info from SSI that can give me a clue as to 
when I'll *really* see Pool of Radiance for the Amiga? 


Thanks in advance, all.

moynihan_r@apollo.hp.com   /// "Winners are losers who got up and 
Plink: Moynihan        \\\///  gave it just one more try." 
Hewlett-Packard/Apollo  \XX/                        -Dennis DeYoung

nv89-rbi@nada.kth.se (Ron Birk) (05/26/90)

Champions of Krynn exist on the Amiga!! And have done so a month now!

So until PoR will come to the Amiga, I suggest CoK. 

Have a nice day,
                   Ron Birk, nv89-rbi@nada.kth.se

jimmy@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jimmy Chan) (05/26/90)

In article <1990May26.073729.6948@nada.kth.se> nv89-rbi@nada.kth.se (Ron Birk) writes:
>Champions of Krynn exist on the Amiga!! And have done so a month now!
>So until PoR will come to the Amiga, I suggest CoK. 

All right...finally a suitable place to put my comments, notes, etc. on games..

Ever since last year whenever I call up mail-order places they would say it
wouldn't be out til the next month and after a few months of this I gave up
asking...this was for Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds, and Might
and Magic II.  I did pick up Hillsfar from SSI which is just a scenario to
get experience for your Pool of Radiance chars then move onto Curse of the
Azure Bonds.  Hillsfar was a total dud of a game when the first and second
scenarios aren't available.  

I just picked up Champions of Krynn this Tuesday and already I have missed
2 out of 3 classes for summer school because of this game...8-)...8-)..almost
missed work was just a little late.  This is truly a great ADND game...I was
playing Pool of Radiance for the Mac since last month but I have since given
up with Pool due to Champions.  I don't think I would be going back to Pool
unless it comes out for the Amiga and even then only if it is well done.
If anyone wants a review of this game just ask and I will post it...

Ahhh...back to Champions...

    //  ||   Hardware : A2000, 3 megs, 2 internal 3 1/2" drives
\\ //   ||   Future Purchases : SCSI Controller, 40-60 meg harddrives, A3000
 \X/	||   jimmy@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu or jimmy@uhccux.bitnet

CHEN-P@osu-20.ircc.ohio-state.edu (CHEN P PERRY) (05/27/90)

I don't know whether there is a hint book for Autoduel but the
following strategy seemed to work.

1:  Since driving skill is harder to improve than either marksmanship or
mechanic skill, emphasize this skill greatly during character development.

2:  Once you have a character, buy body armour immediately.  Keep
going to  amateur night until you have a little above $5000.  You are now
ready to buy your first car.

3:  For this car or any car, you should have a lot of back armour, some 
side armour, and also some front armour.  Buy only flamethrowers at the
beginning and mount more than one to your car's rear.  In my opinion 
flamethrowers are the best weapons in Autoduel, beating even laser.  They
have a wide spread, is extremely destructive, provides smoke cover, and
doesn't seem to cause fire any more than other weapons.  In any combat
situation, stop as soon as you see an enemy blip  on the radar.
Line your car using the radar to the enemy ALMOST horizontally or vertically
(don't worry, the enemy car won't attack until you drive closer still).
Then drive BACKWARDS toward the enemy and as soon as you see the enemy shots,
stop your car and fire a flamethrower.  Before the enemy car has a chance
to turn you should have already won.  Don't forget to salvage the wrecks.

4:  With your winnings and loots, repair your car and reload the weapons.
For arena combat stay at $5000 dollars level.  Since
you need to go out onto the road to finish the game, your courier car
should have at least three flamethrowers on the back and maybe a laser
to the front if you are rich.  Leave some room for salvages.

Hopefully these techniques are of some use...

joe@dayton.UUCP (Joseph P. Larson) (06/01/90)

I only have a couple of little comments to make on this:

In article <12592817777014@osu-20.ircc.ohio-state.edu> CHEN-P@osu-20.ircc.ohio-state.edu (CHEN P PERRY) writes:
>3:  For this car or any car, you should have a lot of back armour, some 
>side armour, and also some front armour.  Buy only flamethrowers at the
>beginning and mount more than one to your car's rear.  In my opinion 
>flamethrowers are the best weapons in Autoduel, beating even laser.  They
>have a wide spread, is extremely destructive, provides smoke cover, and
>doesn't seem to cause fire any more than other weapons.

This strategy is fairly sound.  However, *I* got the impression that
FTs are more likely to flame the wrecks than other weapons.  However,
they do make excellent weapons, and you can "sweep" with them fairly easily
if your initial aim is off a bit.  As the arena opponents do not try to
run away from you if they are loosing, rear-mounted weapons are good.

For road weapons, you need good front and rear armor, good rear weapons (FTs
again are good) and a front weapon.  For the front, I prefer MG, as you have
the option of turning around and firing back through all that smoke your FTs
caused.  You can also flame backwards at nothing, then back up into your smoke
as protection from lasers, I believe....  (It works on the board game and I
believe FT smoke is protection from lasers in AD.)  Being chased on the
highway happens quite a bit, so rear protection is important.  Don't bother
chasing anyone else down -- just worry about getting around...

UUCP: rutgers!dayton!joe   (Picts 1-16 are   DHDSC - Joe Larson/MIS 1060
ATT : (612) 375-3537       now ready.)       700 on the Mall, Mpls, Mn. 55402