[comp.sys.amiga.games] Games That Don't Work On A 3000

schur@venera.ISI.EDU (Sean Schur) (07/02/90)

Well, I got my 3000 this weekend. I've started trying out software and I have a
preliminary list of some things that won't run on the 3000. I apologize that
this list is all games. My time on the machine has been spent transferring
my hard drive from my 2000 to the 3000. My roommate has been trying out games.

The following won't run on the 3000:

	Speedball 			won't load at all
	Shadow Of The Beast		loads up fine, but as soon as gameplay
						starts, it freezes
	Dark Century			won't load at all (bad game anyway)
	Black Magic			loads to title screen, then freezes

	TestDrive II: The Duel		the game runs, but the graphics glitch
						pretty badly. This might be
						the 3000 or it could be the
						multisync monitor which I 
						didn't have before either.
	Batman: The Movie		the game runs fine, but the graphics
						glitch in bizarre ways. I don't
						think this is the multisync
						because floors and walls seem
						to appear and disappear at

All of these were started from a COLD boot. That means it is non-compatability
with the hardware, not 2.0 OS.

The following ran fine with no ill effects:

	Zany Golf
	Falcon				Contrary to some discussion here this
	FalconMission			works fine. As a matter of fact it runs
					considerably faster than on a stock 
					2000 I even got to play with the head 
					to head mode while I temporarilly
					had two machines.
	Harrier Mission

The only utility I have really tried is Atalk which I'm using to transfer my
hardisk. It seems to work fine using 2.0 or 1.3.

This is a preliminary breakdown. I am going to try some different things with 
the things that don't work. In the coming week I am going to do some major 
testing of EVERYTHING but the kitchen sink (I already know that works with
the 3000). I do a lot of work with graphics and animation so I will be able
to provide a pretty good breakdown in that arena. I also run quite a bit of
PD software so I'll be able to let some of the PD developers what runs with
2.0 OS and the 3000.

I would also like to invite other new 3000 owners to make similar postings
of thier findings.

Stay tuned for further updates. 


			     \          /
			      \   \    /      / 
Sean Schur		       \   \  /      /
				\   \/      /
USENET: schur@isi.edu		 \  /a\mpyr/
Compuserve: 70731,1102		  \/   \  / ideo 
Plink: OSS259				\/ 


givler@cbmvax.commodore.com (Greg Givler - Product Assurance) (07/03/90)

In article <14147@venera.ISI.EDU> schur@venera.isi.edu (Sean Schur) writes:
>Well, I got my 3000 this weekend. I've started trying out software and I have a
>The following won't run on the 3000:
>	Speedball 			won't load at all
>	Shadow Of The Beast		loads up fine, but as soon as gameplay
>						starts, it freezes

This is probably a problem with the 030 data cache and copy protection.

>	Dark Century			won't load at all (bad game anyway)
>	Black Magic			loads to title screen, then freezes
>	TestDrive II: The Duel		the game runs, but the graphics glitch
>						pretty badly. This might be
>						the 3000 or it could be the
>						multisync monitor which I 
>						didn't have before either.
>	Batman: The Movie		the game runs fine, but the graphics
>						glitch in bizarre ways. I don't
>						think this is the multisync
>						because floors and walls seem
>						to appear and disappear at
>						random.
The graphics problems we have seen seem to be 030 related. I would recommend
that you contact the makers of these programs some may have versions that
work with the 3000, others may be working on solutions. Check with your 
software manufacturers.

Greg Givler                        | Q-Link: GregGivler
Analyst - Systems Evaluation Group | CompuServe: Greg Givler 76702,647
Commodore Product Assurance        | GEnie: G.Givler
215-431-9100                       | The NET: givler@cbmvax.commodore.com
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