[comp.sys.amiga.games] Amiga 3000 games?

jerbil@chamber.caltech.edu (Joseph R. Beckenbach) (08/14/90)

	A while back I saw a posting by someone who tested games against the
Amiga 3000.  I passed it by, only to buy a 3000 later.  What games available
that really USE (or ABUSE :-) the capabilities of the machine run on the 3000?
I and a friend want to stop feeding quarters to the local arcade....

	BTW I would also be happy to hear recommendations for joysticks
(both 8-position and two-axis potentiomter) and what you'd like to see in 
a mutli-tasking game.  Grandiose ideas will not be stomped on.  Please send
these to me via e-mail, and I'll summarize responses to this group --
I might not be able to use many or any of the ideas, but someone else might
be interested in doing so.

		Joe Beckenbach