buffa@sardaigne.inria.fr (Michel Buffa) (09/14/90)
In article <90853@srcsip.UUCP>, kovach@SRC.Honeywell.COM (Pete Kovach) writes: > > MCDONELL) writes: > > I`ve had FUTURE WARS sitting on my shelf for a long time now and I > > can never get enthusiastic about playing the game so could someone > > please put up or E-mail me some spoilers PPPPPLEASE :-)... > > > > Well sorry about the "ME TO" but I am stuck at the beginning. How do you > keep from getting squished when you go into the secret passage from the > office room??????? Please email me the cheats if you would also! > Peter Kovach > > Sig - We don't need no stinking sig! > > > F U T U R E W A R S H I N T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nearly all the puzzles have something in common: they involve you using an object. This will often be located earlier in the game, and unless you know what you're looking for you'll miss it. The easiest way to avoid becomming stuck is to search all the locations throroughly. Examine absolutely everything as well as using the Operate command on objects. In the small room with the descending ceiling examine the keypad. Operate the pad to enter the code form the typewriter that stops the ceiling lowering, but do be quick. In the transporter room examine the machine and press the green button. Put the paper in the slot and follow by hitting the red button. Some documents should then be ejected from the machine; grab them, then run like merry hell for the spotlight. You should find yourself transported back into the dark ages. Head left across the screen, following the little green path which runs along the swamp. Stop near the mosquitoes and zap them with the repellent. Examine the ground near where the mosquitoes were to get the pendant. When you've got the cloths from the lakeside go into the town and walk round the back of the castle and up to the big tree. Go up close, select Operate, and a coin should drop down. Enter the tavern and listen to the conversation. Go up to the castle gates and show the pendant to the guard. When you come out of the castle take the guard's lance. Go back round to the big tree and use the lance on the monk's robe. Return to the lake and fill the plastic bag with water, Run back to the castle screen and off the bottom. Approach the wolf and throw the water on him. Once inside the monastery walk around the sides of the room in the same direction as the monks. Go through the third door. When the Abbott tells you to get his wine go back round to the first door and go in. Take the gold cup and enter the second door. Use the cup on one of the top barrels. Go back to the Abbott and wait for him to fall unconscious. Take the remote control from his robes and use it on the cabinet at the far side of the room. Take the magnetic card and into the wine cellar. Once inside use the control on the middle-top barrel then enter the secret passageway. You are now in the prison room. Wasteland. Sift through the rubble in the bottom right corner of the first screen, that gives you the blowtorch. Hidden in the white rubble is the fuse, take that, then go through the manhole. Inside the office. Once inside the office, open the cupboard with key and check out the typewriter. Then get the paper from the drawer. Outside the office. Take the bin liner, open the door and take the flag. There are a couple of things hidden, the insect spray in the cupboard and the key under the carpet. You'll also need an empty bucket on the sink and a full bucket on the door. Shuttleport. Replace the fuses at the bottom of the stairs to get the TD working. Wait for the hostess to check her make up, then run between the arrows. Remember, too, to look at the map and put the red flag in the hole. Crughon Ship. Wait until the door starts opening, then eat the invisibility pill. Run down the stairs avoiding the guards and hide by the boxes. The Lake Examine the tree on the left of the screen. Take the rope and use it to climb the branch. Then take the cloths. Prison Room Get the gas can from the bottom of the case. Then run the magnetic card through the computer's slot. Crughon Base Here's a map to help you out of the Crughon Base before the time is up. ________________________________________ 1. ||[0m [4m______||____________________________ ___[0m 1.start position [4m||[0m [4m||[0m ~ 2.exit [4m__||______________ ___||___________ ____[0m 3.computer room ~ [4m||[0m [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m [4m__________ ______________||__ _||_______[0m || staircase [4m||[0m~ [4m||[0m ~ || _ _ a hole [4m___ ____||___||_ _________________||____[0m ~ [4m||[0m ~ ~ [4m||[0m [4m||[0m [4m#[0m [4m||________________||_________ _______||_[0m # a wall [4m||[0m [4m||[0m ~ [4m____||___ _______ ________||____________[0m ~2. [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m [4m______________||________________||______[0m [4m||[0m [4m||[0m [4m__||__________________||____ ___________[0m [4m#[0m [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m [4m||[0m [4m______________#___||________ __|| ||____[0m [4m||[0m ~[4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m [4m__ ____||_ _______________ __||____ ||__[0m ~ [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m ~[4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m [4m____||__________||____ ____||_____ ___||[0m [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m ~|| [4m__________||____ _______||___ _____||___[0m [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m [4m__________ _||____||__ ________||_______[0m [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m ~ [4m||[0m [4m_______||_______||_____ ||______________[0m ~ [4m||[0m [4m____________________________||__________[0m [4m||[0m 3. [4m__||____________________________________[0m transfer the file on your amiga if you want to see the map in colors ! ------------------------------------------ Michel Buffa: Projet Robotvis, INRIA, France Internet: buffa@sardaigne.inria.fr Surface Mail: Michel BUFFA, INRIA - Sophia Antipolis, 2004, route des Lucioles, 06565 Valbonne Cedex -- FRANCE Voice phone: (33), Fax: (33) 93 65 77 65 ------------------------------------------