[comp.sys.amiga.games] Infocom WANTED

ks@walhalla.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE (Kai-Alexander Scharwacht) (09/17/90)

I'm looking for Infocom Adventures. Everything between Zork I and
Zork Zero would be nice. Of course, only originals (which should be
in a more or less good shape, meaning package etc.) are accepted.
If you got some and want to sell 'em - E-MAIL ME !!!!!
Lots of Thanxx in advance -

PS: I posted this request some two weeks ago with Distribution: dnet
(Germany) - no one answered (sniff). Hoping that something more nice
will happen now ... :-)



| Kai A. Scharwacht, IRB, Dept. of Comp. Sci.,    |                           |
| University of Dortmund, P.O. Box 500500,        | "Beam me up, Scotty,      |
| 4600 Dortmund 50, West-Germany                  |  there's no intelligent   |
| Phone/Fax +49 231 755 (2444/2386)               |  life down here !"        |
| E-Mail ks@unido.{UUCP|BITNET}                   |                           |