(Steven C. F. Siu) (09/22/90)
I have already finished the game, but I don't know what some of my items are used for, so: SPOILERS ALERT ( don't read this unless you have finished the game!) - What is the 'crystal shard(sp)' for? Since it is not exactly straightforward to get (i.e. need to find 'bone' first etc.) I hate to believe it is useless - What is the 'rose' for? Again I'd think it has some use, since it is the ONLY item I found in the 'hidden city', which can't be reached until you have all the statues, which is not possible until you've rescued the princess.... - What is the mysterious 'pixar altar' or whatever-it-is-called? (i.e. At certain time of the day, with certain special object in your possession, when you perform certain action while standing in it, certain thing(s) will happen <-- my guess. What are the details?) I am talking about the structure inside Pixel Grove(sp). - Are there any other special items (not including weapons i.e. magic wand) apart from: crystal shard, bone, rose, sun stone, shell, golden lasso? If so, what are their uses? Miscellaneous ramblings: I was thinking that the dragon in the cave was the 'golden beast', so for a while I keep trying to use the lasso on it. I didn't think of the swan as the golden beast because 'beast' has an evil connotation to me. I actually defeated the <ultimate evil witch> (thus finished the game) before I found and rescued the princess. That is (IMHO) a bad design of the game, because it becomes anticlimactic to have to rescue the princess. I got the impression (from reading previous news article) that you couldn't get pass the 'force field' without having all the golden statues (which you won't have until after you rescue the princess)? I don't know, anyway I pass through it with no trouble. (What happened was that I found out the existance of the flying golden beast very early in the game, and I somehow got the impression that Grimwood is the (or one of the) impossible mountain that I couldn't reach until I have my flying pet. So I set out trying to find the golden lasso. Of course (as you know) the lasso is in Grimwood. That's why I didn't fing the golden beast and couldn't rescue the princess for so long.) Finally, at least twice while I was crossing the ocean on the turtle (before I can fly of course), I found a man standing at the middle of the sea. It is reproducible (i.e. they are at a *fixed* location). I couldn't communicate with them (there are two different men in two different places), but I can kill one of them. I think this is just a bug (and probably just on my backup copy). Steven (Mark Lieb <Oz>) (09/23/90)
I remember when FTA first came out. I was pretty hyped. The summer had just begun, and the game looked most excellent. I finished the game, and had a few questions myself, so I called the 800# to ask the company about several things. One of these regarded... 1: The grove of strange structures to the South-West were originally going to be part of the game, but were taken out. The plot no longer needed them, but they remained in the world. The rose is used to make your character invulnerable to heat. Thus, you are able to pass through the lava barring entrance to the door of the evil castle. The shard...well, I can't recall what that was for. I think it was so that you could pass through the force-field. I recall that there really were an aweful lot of red herrings in this game. MicroIllusions confirmed this themselves. I found the swan before I had the lasso. I found that if I stood pretty much on top of it, but a little to the left, by striking it, it would be pushed to the right. I being on top of it, would be carried. I ended up hacking and slashing it all the way to the ol' home town. The game was, overall, pretty decent. I like that there were red herrings, because that is the way an adventure should be. Not everything should have a purpose or sequence etched in stone. My original copy had some flaws, so I am not surprised that your copy had some too. Hmm, I may even go back and get my map and original and play it through again. /\\ _ __ ___ /\\ \\ \ \ \ \ / \\ |\/|| | | //___ / \\ \\ \ \ \ \ / /\ \\ |\/|| _| |_ \\_// / /\ \\ \\_\__\____\________\ \_liebm@silver.ucs.indiana.edu_// // / / / /