[comp.sys.amiga.games] Beast II help needed

soverlies@cc.curtin.edu.au (10/08/90)

In article <1990Oct1.201559.217@vax5.cit.cornell.edu>, csqx@vax5.cit.cornell.edu writes:
> what are you supposed to do in the castle?  i have the key, and i think
> 	one could get to other places if you could deal with the 
> 	sleeping demon.  and isn't ishran supposed to be somwhere around
> 	here?
> by the way, how is one expected to get past all the traps leading to west
> 	without having the cheat mode on?  maybe i'm just a bad arcade
> 	game player.
> is there anything significant in the swamp to the east past the old man?
> 	the place where all those froggie things are where you can't get
> 	back up to the high ground.
I also have questions on shadow of the beast 2

what are you supposed to do in the hotel oasis

I found somewhere where a creature lay sleeping and was prompted for a
password, does anyone know what the password is ? If so how are do you find 
it out? I've tried 'asking' the first stranger who you save when you travel
west and the hotel owner none of them know what i'm talking about. the only
meaningful thing i've been able to find out, is if you ask the guy you rescue
about traps, he tells you whether you have to switch the 'upper' or 'lower'
switch to make the cage drop which takes you up into a room. I have found
nothing to do here, except fall down a chain and wake up a guard who unleashes
a beast who kills you. Is it possible to beat this ?

I also found a crane which I could move left and right, up and down, and make
open and close, by hitting switches, but i could not do anything constructive 
with it, any ideas???

When travelling east, (supposedly where ishran the evil dragon is located)
i found an old man talking about his lost ring which made him powerless
are you supposed to ask or offer him anything ????

Any help with these questions or any other tips on palying this game
will be very greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance



2flolump@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (10/09/90)

Hello, I am also having trouble with BEAST II.
One...I have never even seen a hotel or a hotel owner, I suppose
that is somewhere you can't expect to reach without cheat mode on.
BTW, there is one problem with the cheat mode I have discovered, some
times the solution to killing a monster does not lie in violence, some
times there is a trick involved, and if you just hack the creature up,
you may not gain access to the thing he was supposed to *open* up for 
you.  I also do not know the cheat mode command, but I remember seeing
a guy at the store type something to the first pygmie.  If anyone knows
how to get out of the goblin prison without the cheat mode, of course,
please let me know.

Just out of curiosity, is there anyone who does not use the cheat mode.
I bet that noone who uses the cheat mode has found the whirlpool...
(very easy to find)

Jason Wilson.