[comp.sys.amiga.games] Drakkhen: THE CASTLES

IO92257@MAINE.BITNET (10/11/90)

Hello fellow netters (especially Drakken players)...I have gone
to the Prince of earth's castle, and ransacked it, and got his
orders to find his sister.  I found his sister's castle, (in the
northeast of the woodlands, beyond the 'Dragon Squares' :) and it
had been trashed.  I went and told the prince (of earth) about this,
after killing his household servents (which he dosn't seem to mind!)
and he became extremly p*ssed off, and told me to go and kill the
prince of (water,fire,air?) and rescue the princess.  So I went to
the indicated castle, and managed to find a prisoner and some prince-
like slimeball, who I killed (after getting through doors which seemed
to open (no, exist!) only randomly..AAARRGGH!) but this didn't help
me worth crap.
   I mean, my guys (and gals) are powerful characters, able to teleport
(which seems to be uncontrollable) and stuff....but I still can't get
anywhere on this game...I think something major was lost in the translation
from French to English...anyone else feel the way I do?
   My questions are: Anyone know what will back this up? ProjectD won't!!
                     What is the order of castles you have to go to? I know
                     where they all are, and have ransacked a couple, to
                     no avail (as described above).
   My hints are:     If paralyzed, get an enemy to kill your frozen character
                     then scrounge enough money to get the preist to
                     resurect them....or do it yourself, if your GOOD!!!
                     Kill everything...except for princes!!! (and old men)
                     Give up: this game is impossible!!!! >:)
-Brent Cook <io92257 at Maine>  "I belive in short posts"