[comp.sys.amiga.games] Wings HD installation and running

felixh@tornado.Berkeley.EDU (Felix Hack) (10/22/90)

  I generally don't trust HD install scripts.  Since the large majority
of the time their only purpose is to copy stuff from floppy to a 
desired HD directory, I usually go through the script from a shell
by hand, skipping the steps that cause trouble (like making ram:T when
it already exists).  One could also edit the script first.  Note that
this won't work for all games.  Some create or modify files 
which are needed for the program to find its other files.
  I run WINGS from HD using an ICONX script (it's how I run virtually
all my games.)  That suggests to me that it should also run from a CLI.
My technique is to place all files for a given game, say Battle of Britain,
in a subdirectory that has no drawer icon.  I create a script in the parent 
directory that changes
 to that subdirectory and runs the program.  I copy the game's icon
to the parent and turn it into the iconx project icon.  The result is that the
files for my games are not intermingled, but I can run them without
having to open an extra drawer first.  The main game directory will
show icons for all my games, it's just that they're all iconx scripts.