[comp.sys.amiga.games] Amiga Modern Naval Battles

charbonn@capella.crd.ge.com (Michael R Charbonneau) (11/01/90)

	I am interested in writing a version of the popular Modern Naval Battles
for the Amiga using lattice C 5.1. What I want to develop is a core program
capable of supporting 1 - x human players, and 6 - x computer players -
(a max of 6 players and a min of 3).

The major goal is to make the computer players able to beat the best human players.
I do not want to write a game like RISK where the computer merely 'plays' the
game and offers no real competition. I expect this portion of the project to take
the most time.

The next goal (way down the road) would be to surround the core game with a graphical
interface - I envision something akin to Solitaire Royale (sp?) in play and
feel with the cards.

I want start off slowly and write one module at a time, ie, the first
thing to tackle would be to have the computer smartly set up it's ships
into 3 rows, (a complex thing depending on what attack cards you are holding
in your hand). I can also see adding to the game later on - expansion sets
2 and 3; but of course first things first.

What I need are interested people to colaborate in developing a rule base
for the game. I could do all of the programing, but any help would be appreciated.
the rule base seems to be the critical path, so to speak. Also hold the flames
on copyright, when this is finished it will be released into the public domain.

please email me at

GE Corporate Research and Development

PS. my systems include

A1000 with 2 megs memory
	   2 floppies
	   1 2400 baud modem

A2000 with 3 megs memory
	   1 floppy
	   1 40 megabyte hard drive


| Michael R. Charbonneau               | It goes on all day long   |
| GE Corporate Research & Development  | Everyone knows everything |
| Control Systems Laboratory           | No one is ever wrong      |
| Schenectady NY 12345                 | 	until later...     |