[comp.sys.amiga.games] Amiga Games - What's Playable & okay

judd@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Stephen Judd) (11/02/90)

In article <26385.272d9f50@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu> 2flntopaz@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu writes:
>> Recently, I've been trying to get into Carrier Command.  It has a lot
>> more to it than a typical arcade game; the instructions are about 30 
And how about that official soundtrack!  Wowee! (a little sarcasm there)

>Island swiftly send in a Manta loaded with missiles.  Find the main
>installation that looks like a trapezoidial box shape.  This controls
>what kind of an island it will be.  Nail it with 4 missiles and it should
>be destroyed, thereby freeing the island from enemy control and allowing
>you to set up your own command post (via the walrus with the pods).

I found that the best method for taking an island was to attack the big
thing that all the enemy fighters come from.  Take a Manta out and push it
up to maximum speed.  Then just keep making high-speed runs at that building,
lasers blazing away.  You tend to have several missles chasing you by now, so
just keep flying, usually out to sea, until they run out of fuel.  Then do it
again, until the thing is toast.  I seem to recall it taking several passes.
If a fighter gets in front of you and shoots a missle, you can shoot the missle
with your laser.  Once the building is destroyed, destroy the rotating missle
things on the island so your Walrus won't get fried.  Then, put your Manta on
lowest speed and stick it into a tight turn - if a missle site gets built
you want to be able to destroy it.  Finally, launch your Walrus with a virus -
voila!  Instant island, already producing at full speed (assuming you didn't
trash the island too much).

>The problem with this game is that the computer is TOO fast!  His Carrier
 ^^^ Not "The," "One of many."
>moves as fast as a Manta does.  So while you are plodding on to the next
>island to conquer, he swings around right behind you and conquers the island
>you just left!  I've tried variational strategies, like leaving a Manta
>behind on the runway (equipped with a long range pod + 4 missiles).  So
>when he shows up when my carrier leaves I can blast him.  But after you 
>put four missiles in him he runs (and sometimes outruns the missiles!)
>Any Carrier Command Commandos care to comment? (geez...too many c's in there)

I took an island of his and then just waited.  Once he started to attack it,
I just backed up tomards him, with all drones out, and smashed him with
those silly surface-to-surface missles.  I then boxed up the game and sold
I was disappointed by this game.  There was not much of a point.  Islands
are easy to take.  Like you said above, his carrier blazes through the 
islands, and never suffers from supply problems.  Strategy is nonexistant.
It is the same map, with the same islands, every time.  Worse, the map
doesn't lend itself to any new strategies - you always meet near those
three islands in the middle, and he either takes back islands you just
took, or he cuts your supply line.  You don't have a chance to penetrate into
his territory, or otherwise trip him up.  Finally, the carrier is easy to
destroy.  The graphics are pretty neat, and taking an island was fun for a
while, but once again there isn't much room for variation - the enemy planes
just keep coming, and you don't get anything like a dogfight from them, since
they are your equal (except that they have more missles).  Your Walrus can't
do much until the planes and missles are toast - and it is destroyed in, what,
tmo hits?
So, in summary, this game for me was pretty fun until I won it.  It is a good
game to borrow from somebody, but you could spend your money better.

>David Poland

judd@tramp.colorado.edu        //    Time for a cup of Joe and a donut.
...!ncar!boulder!tramp!judd  \X/