[comp.sys.amiga.games] Ultima V port...

802360644%RUMAC@UPR1.UPR.CUN.EDU (Angel Asencio) (11/09/90)

Dan Babcock <<DXB132@psuvm.psu.edu>> writes:

>Yes, it's true; Ultima V is finally available for the Amiga. This is great
>new for us Ultima fans! A word of warning though before you buy it:

>- Copy protected
>- Not hard disk installable (does not use AmigaDOS)
>- Takes over the system (completely)
>- Only uses 512K RAM (no more)
>- Only uses one floppy drive (the game is two disks). Requires swapping.

>Ick. However if you can live with all of the above, it's...well, Ultima. :-)
>Note: I don't have it yet myself (above info from other people), so don't
>bother asking questions about it (yet). I might post a mini-review if someone
>doesn't beat me to it (which is likely, since I have very little free time :-))

>-- Dan Babcock

O.K., I expect an IBM port (traditional, yech!) I hope that at least it 
have the background music (in Ultima III, and Ultima IV it had a good 
background music for the C-64), and hope to see the option to save in the 
dungeons. (I hatted in Ultima IV that would permit to save in the dungeon)

If any one can can clarify this in a review, please...


      Angel Asencio//               Computer Engineering Student
                 \X/                University of Puerto Rico
802360644%rumac%upr1.upr.clu.edu    Mayaguez Campus
  ******* Amiga, it's not just a computer, it's THE COMPUTER *******

paasivir@tukki.jyu.fi (Risto Paasivirta) (11/12/90)

>>Yes, it's true; Ultima V is finally available for the Amiga. This is great
>>new for us Ultima fans! A word of warning though before you buy it:
>>- Copy protected

Wants to save game on copy protected original disk.
Both disks are in custom format.

>>- Takes over the system (completely)

Does not work with Cherry keyboard (keyboard of old A2000s),
it took pains to hack trough copy-protection just to get
keyboard handshaking routine patched. URRGH.

And keyboard interface... Sometimes you must press keys
loong to get actions done, sometimes you get it oooooooottthheeeerrr

Observed also that it may or may not work on turbo amiga,
it uses trap # instructions, and keyboard hanshaking delay
is done by 2 nop:s...

Game itself is great, it is just a ugly port. I don't think
that customer should be the one who hacks the program up
to work. 

I will not buy Ultima VI, if same people are going to port it... 


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