[comp.sys.amiga.games] centapede

dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu (Dale Larson) (11/10/90)

darn, something I left out of previous message...

Does anyone know of a version of centapede for the Amiga?
-Dale Larson  (dlarson@blake.u.washington.edu)

mhenders@carina.unm.edu (Stinger) (11/13/90)

	Well, Evil Gardens is a millipede clone. It is quite a gaudy 
version but overall keeps the same flavor. It has well done graphics and
audio and for the true Centepede fan, well worth it.

  .----                           <<      Amiga Weirdo      >>      ///| 
   \  __/_ ' .--.  .--. .-.  .--. <<       Demo Freak       >>     ///||
    \  /  / /   / <__/ /__/ /     << mhenders@hydra.unm.edu >> \\\///=||
 ____>/  / /   / ___/ <__  /      << Computer Hypochondriac >>  \XX/  ||