edb762bbp1@vx24.cc.monash.edu.au (11/13/90)
THE KILLING GAME SHOW TIPS To see a map of the level that you are about to start, hit <HELP>. WINGS BALLOON BUSTING- The first thing to do in Balloon Busting missions is to take out the AA gun. It isn't too hard so give it a try. DOG FIGHTS- When involved in a dog fight with other planes always attack from above. This is because if you attack from below the other plane will climd which is very annoying. By attacking from above you drive the other plane down rather than up. BEING TAILED- When you are being tailed hold the joystick to the bottom-right. You should turn off to the right and out of the other planes line of fire. there are 243 missions, during these I scored 398 kills. DRAKKHEN Hit <CONTROL> to bring up a very large monster and place menu. Hit <F-10> to increase all of your stats to maximum. SIM CITY Hold down SHIFT and type FUND to give yourself $20000. Do this before you begin building your city because it will cause an earthquake about every fifth time. PARADROID On the title screen hit <F-3> to bring up an options menu. BEAST II Dont play it..... Justin Halliday. Bye for now.