I am looking for some hints on Bureaucracy, I have read Dan Zerkle's article and I have not got quite as far as he has. I have Eaten a meal and not paid for it, Fed the Llama, Been to the Airport, but not been able to get out, Got the recipe cartridge (trade for adventure cart), Received numerous phone messages, Bought nothing from the nerd, Phoned everybody in book (to no avail), Been to bank and travel agent (to no avail), I would like hints on : Getting through locked doors, Getting through the gate at the southern end of the road, Geting money (please don't tell me exactly how), Getting into the farmhouse before it's ransacked, Staying alive in the mansion (ie matron not blasting me), Getting airplane ticket, Getting mail, from old house, from the bank, Trading with the nerd (if possible), Cooking the Llama (sounds a bit daft to me). Please reply either through the group or to my E-Mail address (if you prefer) (Matthew Cunningham, Univ of Manchester, UK) P.S Especially for Dan. It's not us Brits who misspell "jail" as "gaol", "jail" is just another Americanism that has crept into general use in the English Language Worldwide, probably because it is easier to spell!!. The word "gaol" comes from Britain's Celtic and Gaelic roots (so blame the Scots and Irish not the Engish).