Michael.Witbrock@CS.CMU.EDU (11/29/90)
About coordinates in Star fleet orders: they are multiplied by 10. BUT 1) negative numbers between -1 and -0 are made positive i.e. if it tells you to go to -5 , 20 you can't, because you can't get to _-0.5_, 2.0 on the starmap. 2) With patch ntsc installed, I think there is a mouse movement granularity problem on the starchart. i.e. vertical space is compressed, so you can't point the mouse at some y coords. The upshot of this is that if you are told to go to certain coordinates, you usually cant!. If someone (Tobias) can fix this (and move the popup windows down into the black space on the interlace screen) I'd be very grateful. This is the first game in a year that's kept my interest for more than a couple of hours. p.s. if you know how to contact Tobias, please forward this to him .
pm0@shark.cis.ufl.edu (Patrick Martin) (12/03/90)
I noticed the same problem. I am running it from a 3000. I could never get to certain rendezvous points so invariably, the crew mutinied against me. Also, when I try to complete a mission of transporting something from one planet to another. When I get there, if I beam something the item down to the designated planet and there are no more missions, it does not say Mission Completed. I have to beam it back up and wait for further orders and then beam it down once I have recieved them and the mission then registers as being completed. I also have to perform the missions in the order that is given though sometimes it is more convienient to perform a mission that is closer to your coordinates. All in all, this is the best PD/Shareware (not sure which) game that I have yet to see for the Amiga. Good job to Tobias and crew... Pat
sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) (12/05/90)
Michael.Witbrock@CS.CMU.EDU writes: >If someone (Tobias) can fix this (and move the popup windows down into >the black space on the >interlace screen) I'd be very grateful. This is the first game in a year >that's kept my interest for more than a couple of hours. >p.s. if you know how to contact Tobias, please forward this to him If he would go to all that trouble, why not just go ahead and make a normal NTSC version, rather than all those changes you mention above? It would be a lot simpler. -- John Sparks |D.I.S.K. Public Access Unix System| Multi-User Games, Email sparks@corpane.UUCP |PH: (502) 968-DISK 24Hrs/2400BPS | Usenet, Chatting, =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|7 line Multi-User system. | Downloads & more. A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of----Ogden Nash