[comp.sys.amiga.games] Immortal Help *SPOILERS*

cschan@carroll1.cc.edu (Craig C Schanning) (12/05/90)

In article <4598@oasys.dt.navy.mil> downin@dtoa1.dt.navy.mil (Dave Downin) writes:
>I am in need of some help on The Immortal.  Can't quit figure out how
>to get past level 2!  I have all three gems and haveebeen to the room
>with the three circles.  I just can't figure out what to do...it seems
>I have tried everything!!!
>Dave Downin

Did you get the Goblin leader to tell you the correct cobination (Gem
placement) to make the ladder to the next level appear?  If yes, then
put the gems in the proper grooves.  One Gem per Circle.  The comb.
he gives you, reads left to right on the circles.  Hope this helps
Any questions feel free to EMAIL.
*          Craig Schanning - cschan@carroll1.cc.edu           *
*    And the next thing you know,  ol' Jed's a millionaire    *