hollnbgh@coral.bucknell.edu (12/08/90)
>Interest EXISTS! I'd love to get my hands on a sequel to Elite. It was my >favorite on my old Apple II+, and I used to play it regularly on my Amiga. >Haven't of late due to a negative amount a time that I can use as 'free' ti. >Please, if you here of any info about it (including where I can mail a hint >letter for an amiga version) let me know. Many thanks.... > > Rob Mail a hint letter, do you have one? I would love to have a hint letter for Elite. I found the Amiga version did not (seem) to have any of the fun things that made the 64 version good. I did not see the truffles, the constrictor, no missions, etc. Please either mail me this hint letter directly or post it to comp.sys.amiga.games) Thanks, Dale Hollenbaugh hollnbgh@coral.bucknell.edu
judd@boulder.Colorado.EDU (JUDD STEPHEN L) (12/12/90)
In article <1990Dec7.173501.2977@coral.bucknell.edu> hollnbgh@coral.bucknell.edu writes: > >Mail a hint letter, do you have one? I would love to have a hint letter >for Elite. I found the Amiga version did not (seem) to have any of the >fun things that made the 64 version good. I did not see the truffles, the You are really asking for this... ;-) Tribbles. Truffles are a type of fungus. Tribbles are little creatures that eat your food supply and keep people like Harry Mudd in business. Anyways, following is a rather large file of various elite stuff that I have snagged from the net. Feel free to hit 'k' or whatever to skip it. > >Thanks, > >Dale Hollenbaugh >hollnbgh@coral.bucknell.edu -- judd@tramp.colorado.edu // What's the buzz? Hey, what's a goin' on? ...!ncar!boulder!tramp!judd \X/ - Jesus Christ Superstar -- Article 58325 of comp.sys.amiga: Path: boulder!ncar!ames!think!samsung!uunet!mcsun!unido!uniol!wilken From: wilken@uniol.UUCP (Ingo Wilken) Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga Subject: ELITE-CHEAT Keywords: Elite, Cheat Message-ID: <2292@uniol.UUCP> Date: 23 Apr 90 17:20:47 GMT Distribution: comp Organization: University of Oldenburg, W-Germany Lines: 39 Posted: Mon Apr 23 18:20:47 1990 As promised, here are the codes for Elite: BYTES FUNCTION ------------------------------------- 00-0B Players Name 0C,0D Galactic Chart 0E-15 Current System 18-1B Credits 1E,1F Fuel 91 Legal Status (0: Clean, <32: Offender, >32: Fugutive) 92-95 Score AB-AD Time 21 No. of Missiles (0-4) 23 Large Cargo Bay (0/1) 2A Fuel Scoop (0/1) 2C Escape Capsule (0/1) 2E Energy Bomb (0/1) 31 Extra Energy Unit (0-2, 2: Naval Energy Unit) 33 Docking Computer (0/1) 35 Galactic Hyperdrive (0/1) 3B Retro Booster (0/1) 3D ECM-Jammer (0/1) <L> to activate/deactivate 3F Cloaking Device (0/1) <Y> to activate/deactivate I think 26-29 and 36-39 are for the laser cannons (never tried). In a standard game, you will get the Cloaker in mission#4 and the Jammer in mission#5. How to cheat: Enter 'SARA' as password, then the real one. In the game, press HELP to start the Hacker. Press ESC to return to the game (Hyperspace Cursor will reset to current location). That should be enough. Bye Ingo Article 11366 of rec.games.misc: Path: boulder!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!samsung!uunet!mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!raelun From: raelun@ibmpcug.co.uk (Paul Ellis) Newsgroups: rec.games.misc,connect.audit Subject: Elite - And thargon bashing plus.... Message-ID: <1990Jul16.113149.29977@ibmpcug.co.uk> Date: 16 Jul 90 11:31:49 GMT Organization: The IBM PC User Group, UK. Lines: 61 Xref: boulder rec.games.misc:11366 Ok guys, seems that there are quite a few elite fans stateside, glad to hear it. Well from my previous posting I have recieved a number of e-mail queries mostly picking up on my statement that you can force Witch Space interception by thargoids. Apologies for not being more specific, but I thought it was a well known easter egg (to coin a vogue phrase :->). I forget what the key sequence was on the beeb, involved holding ctrl down whilst hyperspacing I think. Still the only other one I know is for the PC version - during play, press [esc] to pause game, then press [alt]+[w], then continue play, hyperspace to a nearby planet, and hey presto you should be intercepted by thargoids. What next... OK survival tactics for witch space thargon bashing ---> Upon entering battle increase to 1/3 speed, blast away at as many mother ships asa possible until it gets slightly less hairy, using missiles as required, but only at close range, as thargon mother ships are fitted with both ECM and Missile Jammers. Next about 60-90secs after initial battle entry, increase to full speed and pause game, switch Y axis orientation, continue game, use rear laser, and fly away picking off the thargoids in thier spiraling formation behind you. You will never destroy all thargons in the PC version, as new forces keep appearing about 6 mother ships at a time, so when you get navigation computer online, wait until rear shield gets low, stop, switch to front laser (remebering to switch Y axis again) blast away at incoming mother ships then get the hell out of there with hyperspace. This is particulary useful method for gaining kills when you are a competent combateer, plus its dangerous and QED fun !! As I said I still get killed doing this, judgement has to be very good ! I have also been asked for supplier details, can I throw this back to the guys who have elite in states first, as I have no idea who would supply you peeps out there. If this fails then sure I can give you details of UK suppliers. Have fun, if you need anything else just yell and I'll see what I can do Raelun.... -- Automatic Disclaimer: The views expressed above are those of the author alone and may not represent the views of the IBM PC User Group. -- Paul Ellis - raelun@ibmpcug.co.uk - raelun@cix - pez@unifyuk2.uucp The above may not be 100% correct. But I think its atleast 97% mine !!! Relax and Have Fun !!! The rest will sort itself out eventually !! ;-) Article 11381 of rec.games.misc: Path: boulder!sunybcs!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!pt.cs.cmu.edu!andrew.cmu.edu!da0g+ From: da0g+@andrew.cmu.edu (David Apfelbaum) Newsgroups: rec.games.misc Subject: Re: ELITE (SPOILERS & MISSIONS) Message-ID: <MacnypO00VokA45EUe@andrew.cmu.edu> Date: 17 Jul 90 16:41:25 GMT Organization: Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA Lines: 235 This is a collection of elite cheats (and spoilers) that I found on this bboard a while back. I think you might find it interesting -- particularly the part about the MISSIONS... -D.A> =========================================================================== David Apfelbaum Student (mostly Math/CS) at Carnegie Mellon. 5266 Beeler St. INTERNET, BITNET, etc: da0g+@andrew.cmu.edu Pittsburgh PA 15217 Alternate: da0g%andrew@CMCCVB (412) 683-7216 UUCP: ...!harvard!andrew.cmu.edu!da0g =========================================================================== #include <std_disclaimers> /* CMU is not responsible for my babblings. */ #include <std_quote(s)> /* And I'll deny anything I say as well. */ =========================================================================== -----------------------<previous posts>--------------------- Received: via nntppoll with nntp; Fri, 21 Apr 89 16:23:28 -0400 (EDT) Path: pt.cs.cmu.edu!rochester!rutgers!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!ucbvax!pasteur!heli os.ee.lbl.gov!ncis.tis.llnl.gov!lll-winken!uunet!mcvax!ukc!icdoc!syma!nea let From: nealet@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Neale Type) Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga,rec.games.misc Subject: *Elite Hack Sheet* Keywords: elite, missions Message-ID: <897@syma.sussex.ac.uk> Date: 20 Apr 89 07:57:24 GMT Organization: University of Sussex Lines: 79 Here is a cheat sheet I compiled (I think there all correct) -E-L-I-T-E- CHEAT SHEET 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F --------------------------------------------------- 00|AA|AA|AA|AA|AA|AA|AA| : | | | | | |BB|BB| --------------------------------------------------- 10|BB|BB|BB|BB|BB|BB|BB| :CC|CC|CC|CC| | |DD|DD| --------------------------------------------------- 20| |EE| |FF|GG| | | : | |HH| | |II| |JJ| --------------------------------------------------- 30| |KK|LL| | |MM| | :XX|XX|NN| |OO| |PP| | --------------------------------------------------- 40| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- 50| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- 60| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- 70| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- 80| | | | | | | | :QQ| | | |RR| | | | --------------------------------------------------- 90|SS|TT| | | | | |UU: | | | | | | |ZZ| --------------------------------------------------- A0| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- B0| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- C0| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- D0| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- E0| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- F0| | | | | | | | : | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------- How:- Load the Game and then type SARA when it prompts you for the correct word to enter the game, then enter the correct code. Say NO to Load Commander and press the HELP key. you will then get a Hack mode in HEX similar to the above (note the letters are just for a key below) enter the byte to change and then enter the new value, value=1 is adequate for the main items, larger values will only make a difference on somethings... A - Name (ie. JAMESON) B - Planets in the Universe C - Credits D - Fuel E - Missiles (nb. no higher than 4 or game crashes) F - Large Cargo Bay G - ECM H - Fuel Scoops I - Escape Capsule J - Energy bomb K - Extra Energy Unit L - Docking Computer M - Galactic Hyperdrive N - Retro Rockets O - ECM Jammer P - Cloaking Device Q - Unhappy Refugees R - Thargoid Document S - Fugitive rating T - Offender rating U - Harmles to ELITE rating (00-08) Z - Missions 1 = 10, 2 = 20, 3 = 31, 4 = 40, 5 = 50 X - Both set to FF for military lasers + bytes 26 & 27 set to ZERO -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neale Type , Computing Service /// | "May the Balrog find you tasty." University of Sussex, Falmer \\\/// | nealet @ syma.sussex.ac.uk England. BN1 9QH \X// | ccfe7 @ cluster.sussex.ac.uk Received: via nntppoll with nntp; Sat, 22 Apr 89 17:13:30 -0400 (EDT) Path: pt.cs.cmu.edu!cadre!pitt!cisunx!ucbvax!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.ed u!rutgers!aramis.rutgers.edu!topaz.rutgers.edu!clong From: clong@topaz.rutgers.edu (Chris Long) Newsgroups: rec.games.misc Subject: Elite! (SPOILERS) Message-ID: <Apr.> Date: 21 Apr 89 19:18:42 GMT Organization: Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick, N.J. Lines: 111 A kind soul sent me the following letter which I thought might be of interest to others. From: Adrian Hurt <adrian@cs.heriot-watt.ac.uk> Date: Thu, 20 Apr 89 16:14:37 BST Message-Id: <28407.8904201514@oberon.cs.hw.ac.uk> To: clong@topaz.rutgers.edu Subject: Re: Elite! Newsgroups: rec.games.misc In-Reply-To: <Apr.> Organization: Computer Science, Heriot-Watt U., Scotland Cc: Status: RO In article <Apr.> you write: > >I've been playing the game Elite on an Atari ST, and recently came >across Mission 1, which was to destroy the Constrictor prototype >military ship. I found this surprising since no mention is made >at all in the documentation about this feature. Why should they give away all the surprises? There are other missions. Spoilers at the end. There is a cheat mode; it works exactly like the Amiga version someone posted. When you type in the novella word, precede it by "SARA". During the game, press "*" to activate Hacker V1.0. Bytes $90 to $97 control missions. The first mission is given after 64 jumps. The countdown starts after your first galactic hyperspace. Subsequent missions also start after 64 jumps, the countdown starting upon completion of the previous mission. If you're in the Hacker, byte $97 is the one to look at to find how many jumps you've yet to make. You must jump and dock; jumping lots of times between two very close systems without docking doesn't work. You will be informed of the mission when you dock. Most missions send you to the corner of the galaxy furthest from where you are when you receive the message. Incidentally, it is possible to jump very long distances. My record is 110 light years in a single jump, and that wasn't using the Hacker. The technique is to go to the local navigation chart, select your system, put your cursor in one of the corners of the screen, and press F6 repeatedly and quickly. The chart tries to follow the cursor, and the destination world becomes the one nearest the centre of the screen. It is very easy to get to the corner of a galaxy, which is very handy as that's where most missions start. Another useful trick is to go to the "Options" menu and disable effects. This not only knocks out sound effects, it also knocks out the silly pattern in hyperspace jumps, making them quicker. But the best bit is, it wipes out all ECM. With effects disabled, you can missile anything, including Thargoids. You can also fire a missile at the space station, but silly things happen. The programmers didn't think a missile could hit the space station, and it can't. It goes straight through, turns round, and comes back through again. You can sit and watch it doing this till you get bored. If you use your docking computer, the police don't attack you. "That's because they don't have time", you're thinking, because you probably have it set fast so you don't have to listen to the Blue Danube every time. But even if the docking computer is set slow, they still won't attack. Try it. They might come out, in large numbers. They might even start flashing, indicating they want to attack you. But so long as your docking computer is active, they won't fire. Final silly trick; come out of the space station, and fire retro-rockets immediately. You go backwards through the station so fast that you don't have time to get destroyed. You lose a little shield, and that's all. Mission spoilers coming up now - you have been warned. Mission 1: Destroy the Constrictor. Mission 2: You are sent to one corner of the galaxy, where you are given a set of plan for a Thargoid battleship and told to deliver them to another corner. You're told that the Thargoids don't know about this - wrong! The Thargoids are after you, in force. There are no more pirates. Everything which attacks you is Thargoid. If you think your rear laser will help you, it won't. It'll get one, maybe two Thargoids, then overheat. Meanwhile, the other two are now in firing range, and another one has appeared ahead. You've got two choices. Use lots of escape capsules, or use my F6 key trick. Reward: a Naval Energy Unit which recharges your energy and shields in half the time, and also cools your lasers more quickly. Mission 3: All your fuel leaks out. When you dock, you're informed that the local star is going supernova. A load of refugees want to hitch a lift. The only problem is, there's no fuel for sale, and no time to go and scoop some. You must go and scoop fuel from the sun, while it's not nova, before you go in to dock. Reward: 1 kg of gems. Remember, gems normally sell by the gram! Mission 4: Like the Constrictor, except that there's no chase involved. Your quarry, the Cougar, is in the next system you visit, accompanied by two Asps. He has a cloaking device. Reward: the cloaking device. You have to pick this up. It's the cargo which the Cougar drops. Mission 5: A nearby space station (i.e. the next one you visit) has been taken over by Thargoids. You must destroy it. The Thargoids will appear, in quantities you'll have nightmares about, to stop you. Reward: an ECM jammer which allows you to use missiles against anything except space stations. Totally useless, of course. As I said above, turning off effects does this anyway. "Keyboard? How quaint!" - M. Scott Adrian Hurt | JANET: adrian@uk.ac.hw.cs UUCP: ..!ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!adrian | ARPA: adrian@cs.hw.ac.uk -- Chris Long In victory do not gloat; in defeat, do not alibi.