[comp.sys.amiga.games] PACMAN

aaron@stat.tamu.edu (Aaron Hightower) (12/25/90)

     Would anyone be interested in a ShareWare version of PACMAN?  I have been
working (on/off) with a PACMAN "emulator" that will allow you to build your
own PACMAN mazes.  Features:

Already implemented:

* User definable
   - mazes
   - number of ghosts (currently ranging from 1-5)
   - ghost intelliggence, color of maze, image of ghost/pacman
   - sounds to be used (standard IFF sounds)
   - number of lives, speed of ghosts, time ghosts are enrgized,
   - scaling factor (for size of maze; given if pixels = distance between
      dots in the x and y directions respectively.)
   - authentic PACMAN and MsPACMAN emulation supporing "home corners"
      and prevention or inclusion of pattern support.
   - Definable speed values for tunnels, ghost box, energized, and energized
      while in the tunnel.
   - Amount of time ghosts are enrgized, number of lives, time before ghosts
      reverse direction

* Features
   - Supports any size maze using SuperBitMaps (smooth scrolling if necessary)
   - Implements the ARP file requester to allow selectable games
   - Gives user control to turn filter on/off
   - Looks and feels exactly like PACMAN and/or MsPACMAN

* Lacking
   - Fruits
   - Maze editor

I am planning to add support for the Lacking features, however, I was curious
if anyone is interested.  This is *NOT* vaporware, and I don't intend to profit
from such an endeavor; I simply would like to know if anyone would benefit from
my release of this code. 

Thanks for your input on this matter.  Please send responses either here or
if you prefer to my ID.

Aaron Hightower - aaron@stat.tamu.edu (

     "ATARI also sued the makers of a game called ''Jawbreaker''  There the
court found that Jawbreaker did not violate the PAC-MAN copyright and stated:

     There is nothing protectable under the copyright law as to the "PAC-MAN"
     game itself, and the laws do not protect the strategy of a player symbol
     being guided through a maze appearing to gobble up dots in its path  
     while being chased through the maze by several opponents.  Further, the
     unprotectable idea includes the rules, strategy, and progess of the play
     of the "PAC-MAN" game.

 - The Legal Guide to Computer Software Protection
   Prentice Hall, Inc. (c) 1985 


"Although PACMAN is not a marketable product, people still might like to play
it" - Aaron Hightower