A_ASENCIO@UPR1.UPR.CUN.EDU (Hard Bytes Amiga User Group) (01/12/91)
Hi everybody: I'm playing Dragon Wars, and I have two questions. 1) For what are the mushrooms found in the mistic woods? 2) How I can open the tunnel in the Dwarf ruins? About Overdrive, is made by the company Infacto (I think) but I can't find it anywhere. I saw the announcement in AmigaWorld, but the phone is always busy. Any one has played it? Real time virtual map enviroment on three 1.7 MB!!! ^^^^^^ How this can be used in 1MB floppy drive? Angel// \X/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Asencio// Computer Engineering Student \X/ University of Puerto Rico 802360644%rumac%upr1.upr.clu.edu Mayaguez Campus A_ASENCIO%upr1.upr.clu.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------- ******* Amiga, it's not just a computer, it's THE COMPUTER *******